- 2
Allow relative-to-current-directory DB queries
#1662 opened by ag-eitilt - 1
How to get current function name?
#1607 opened by davidmlw - 1
Question on require statement
#1497 opened by jinrudals - 0
- 0
Generalize the edited-file check across separate Jobs
#1594 opened by ag-eitilt - 0
- 0
Mixed plain- and Result-pipelines are formatted poorly
#1588 opened by ag-eitilt - 0
Mixed-operator lists aren't fully line-broken
#1529 opened by ag-eitilt - 2
- 7
Can lsp-wake work with Emacs lsp?
#1309 opened by davidmlw - 6
Operations on the FUSE file system can affect files not visible to the FUSE file system
#1501 opened by richardxia - 0
Restrict the type of `findFailFn`
#1500 opened by ag-eitilt - 1
How wake disowns a GUI process.
#1450 opened by davidmlw - 5
Comments in `else if` are formatted *really* poorly
#1470 opened by ag-eitilt - 0
Provide a safer interface to `setPlanFnOutputs`
#1471 opened by ag-eitilt - 3
Wake Tutorial Updates
#1461 opened by jinrudals - 0
support git lfs in `sources` def
#1446 opened by mmjconolly - 0
Data constructors are sometimes incorrectly exploded
#1436 opened by ag-eitilt - 0
migrate fuse-waked to use libfuse3
#1442 opened by mmjconolly - 1
hashing wakebox result files
#1434 opened by mmjconolly - 8
'def write' semantics
#1414 opened by mmjconolly - 3
wakebox: visible paths should not be absolute
#1421 opened by mmjconolly - 2
Manifest/git mismatches don't offer any guidance
#1426 opened by ag-eitilt - 1
wakebox squashfuse, replace polling
#1411 opened by mmjconolly - 1
wake-format trailing whitespace on comments
#1418 opened by mmjconolly - 2
Wake core dumps on the string `"%"`
#1419 opened by bmitc - 1
wake crashes on bad input source
#1425 opened by ngraybeal - 0
finding wake source files of a particular package name
#1424 opened by mmjconolly - 0
Refactor `installAs` for out-of-workspace copies
#1422 opened by ag-eitilt - 0
Consider git-created directories as sources
#1420 opened by ag-eitilt - 0
database tracking all side effects
#1415 opened by mmjconolly - 3
syntax to bring whole tuple into scope
#1405 opened by mmjconolly - 0
wake-format: multi-match alignment
#1406 opened by mmjconolly - 0
Leave opening parentheses on the same line
#1407 opened by ag-eitilt - 2
mutate jobs via RunnerInput
#1374 opened by mmjconolly - 2
Result from Runner pre/post defs
#1402 opened by mmjconolly - 2
- 2
Parallelize wake-format over each file
#1400 opened by V-FEXrt - 4
Enrich wake's Error type
#1385 opened by JakeSiFive - 0
- 2
wake-format: A way to tell the formatter to ensure consistent line breaks for nested structures
#1373 opened by richardxia - 2
wake --forget-job
#1375 opened by mmjconolly - 7
- 1
`wake-format` crashes on a specific multiline string
#1290 opened by bmitc - 0
Jobs are not echoing to echo like they're supposed to
#1354 opened by JakeSiFive - 0
Custom signal for out of band status
#1350 opened by mmjconolly - 2
`wake -dv --failed` does not show stack trace, even though `wake -d --failed` does
#1314 opened by richardxia - 1
vendor the 'dash' shell, or use another shell, or contribute a package upstream
#1294 opened by mmjconolly - 2
With `wake-format off`, formatting multiline strings has unexpected behavior in some cases with Wake also accepting strange multiline string input
#1289 opened by bmitc - 0