Autoscheduling sample

Simple example of custom autoscheduling module. Includes scheduling session and events to grid cells (time slots and rooms) according to a set of configurable rules.



npm install


npm run start -- <path-to-file> <path-to-config-file> [--unschedule-all] [--manage-left-sessions]

path-to-file - required. Specify path to json file with conference current scheduling data exported from QOALA that you need to work on.

path-to-config-file - optional. You can use custom autoscheduling configurations. Specify path to file with configuration parameters (see defaults in configs/default.js).

--unschedule-all - optional. Specify if currently scheduled sessions and events need to be unscheduled before autoscheduling (i.e. if they are to be rescheduled).

--manage-left-sessions - optional. Specify if you want sessions and events that cannot be scheduled according to rules to be scheduled bypassing the rules (after main scheduling process in completed).