
Fast C++ IPC using shared memory

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


C/C++ CI

Soulcast hoid pointers.

An IPC library that uses the system's shared memory to pass messages. The communication paradigm is either publish-subscibe or RPC similar to ROS and ROS2.

Caution: Pre-alpha software.


  • Multiple subscribers and publishers.

  • Multithreaded RPC support.

  • Uses a circular buffer to pass messages between processes.

  • Faster than using the network stack like in the case with ROS.

  • Decentralized, without resource starvation.

  • No need to define external IDL files for messages. Use C++ classes as message definition.



#include <shadesmar/memory/copier.h>
#include <shadesmar/pubsub/publisher.h>

int main() {
    shm::memory::DefaultCopier cpy;
    shm::pubsub::Publisher pub("topic_name", &cpy);
    const uint32_t data_size = 1024;
    void *data = malloc(data_size);
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
        p.publish(msg, data_size);


#include <shadesmar/memory/copier.h>
#include <shadesmar/pubsub/subscriber.h>

void callback(shm::memory::Memblock *msg) {
  // `msg->ptr` to access `data`
  // `msg->size` to access `size`

  // The memory will be free'd at the end of this callback.
  // Copy to another memory location if you want to persist the data.
  // Alternatively, if you want to avoid the copy, you can call
  // `msg->no_delete()` which prevents the memory from being deleted
  // at the end of the callback.

int main() {
    shm::memory::DefaultCopier cpy;
    shm::pubsub::Subscriber sub("topic_name", &cpy, callback);

    // Using `spinOnce` with a manual loop
    while(true) {
    // OR
    // Using `spin`