
Winodws PHP SimpleCV Import Error: Cannot load OpenCV library which is required by SimpleCV

GT-73 opened this issue · 1 comments

GT-73 commented

Hello, I have a problem with running a python script from PHP
Windows 8.1

The script is run "properly" by cmd, Idle etc .. but if I try to run it from web borswer with PHP can not import libraries.
I think it is a permissions issue IUSR IIS_IUSRS

To do a test using this test scripts

! / usr / bin / python

import sys
import simplecv
print "hello"

PHP script
echo exec ('cmd / c C: \ \ Python27 2> & 1' ', $ output);

Import Error: Can not load OpenCV library Which is required by simplecv

I tried everything from DefaultAppTool, set Identity local service, nothing
I tried to set IUSR and IIS_IUSR privileges in c: \ Python27 c: \ SimplceCV1.3 but nothing works.
Help me I'm going crazy !!

first uninstall all python and modules from control panel, have noticed that many people have difficulty to install SimpleCV so I decided to develop a software to automatically install it with just one click installs and configures simplecv python and its dependencies, just run "SimpleCVAutoInstall.exe" file the software is ready
anyone can download it at the link

winxp, win7, win8 and win 8.1