- 0
#730 opened by RidaEZahra - 1
Cannot load OpenCV library,
#721 opened by xznhj8129 - 11
#689 opened by programmin1 - 1
Contribution: a new image edge detection technique
#728 opened by SujoyKG - 0
#727 opened - 0
Add OCR in Docker
#726 opened by dima12qw - 0
- 3
- 3
- 1
Is this project active?
#722 opened by timkofu - 2
- 3
can't run simplecv -- AttributeError: 'InteractiveShellEmbed' object has no attribute 'define_magic'
#690 opened by stanchiang - 7
Can't install SimpleCV on RPi3
#701 opened by Villafruela - 8
Raspberry Pi setup
#669 opened by matrhint - 0
Adding color barcode
#720 opened by DonaldTsang - 1
import no longer works with OpenCV 3.4.1
#716 opened by e-razorhead - 4
- 8
#709 opened by slanning6 - 0
- 0
virtualCamera video loop issues /
#718 opened by carlesgutierrez - 1
"Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation error" on Camera() object initialization
#717 opened by alicbelmin - 1
Problem with filtering blobs by colour
#697 opened by golyalpha - 0
#715 opened by almastanul - 2
After installation in Raspberry Pi when typed "simplecv" this issue occured...please help
#713 opened by LoungerW - 5
OpenCV 3 support
#682 opened by shuhaowu - 0
- 1
simpleCV and Raspberry Pi: no module named simplecv
#710 opened by bencobley - 5
- 0
Can't set mDistType in KNNClassifier
#700 opened by benzolium - 0
Broken link to documentation
#699 opened by simonmeusel - 1
Error installing PIL on raspberry pi
#686 opened - 0
Documentation, Examples
#696 opened by Mohamad1994HD - 1
- 0
hueHistogram and histogram are scalled according to min and max non zero hue value
#688 opened by GintasTr - 7
Release 1.4
#668 opened by ctrochalakis - 1
blobImage() method has memory leak
#681 opened by bperun - 0
- 1
Camera image is very dark
#665 opened by MartinThoma - 0
font module error
#680 opened by kuanb - 1
Naive Bayes Verbose
#678 opened by onaclov2000 - 2
Mac OS import SimpleCV failed
#673 opened by harryprince - 1
Winodws PHP SimpleCV Import Error: Cannot load OpenCV library which is required by SimpleCV
#675 opened by GT-73 - 13
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
findKeypointMatch() causes Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault
#661 opened by sukso96100 - 0
Look at moving to conda for deployment.
#659 opened by xamox - 2
- 1
Swapped red and blue colors in images in Raspberry PI
#651 opened by previ