
"Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation error" on Camera() object initialization

alicbelmin opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello guys,

I have been struggling for days with configuring my raspi camera with SimpleCV.

I am making a barcode scanner with a Raspberry Pi 3B and a Raspi V2.1 8 MP Camera.
I have been following this tutorial to recognize the Raspi camera by SimpleCV:

The camera is recognized and running and simpleCV is working as well.

This is the error I am getting when inizializing an object of type Camera():

SimpleCV:1> cam = Camera()
/bin/sh: 1: lsof: not found
Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault

Does anyone have an idea on how to deal with this issue? I would be more then thankful.

I am running the latest Raspbian Stretch Lite and have reserved 512 MB of RAM for the GPU.

I have resolved the issue.

The problem had nothing to do with simpleCV. The segmentation fault occured because I was working over SSH. When I run simpleCV directly from the Pi, it works without problems.

I´ve found out that the Segmentation error is caused by pointers to protected locations and to overcome this, you should run with sudo rights. However, I received another error and did not put more time into solving this. Continued working directly on the Pi.