virtualCamera video loop issues /
carlesgutierrez opened this issue · 0 comments
carlesgutierrez commented
I've been struggle to try to read a video in loop mode. I did not find how to do it. Online Reference I'm now following is here
So , one way to get this somehow working -->
#global variables
cam = VirtualCamera('AbsolutePath/', 'video')
def setupVideo():
cam = VirtualCamera('AbsolutePath/', 'video')
def updateVideo():
img = cam.getImage()
if img:
print("end video so -> rewind")
But check if there is or not a img, frezee my Raspberry pi for more than 4 seconds. So I've tried to find first the number of frames of my loaded video with findLastestImage but i've got following error:
while time.mktime(time.localtime()) - os.stat(max_full_path).st_mtime > 0.1:
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found
Any fixes, tips or different approaches are welcome. Thanks for your time!