- 0
- 2
TypeError When Got No Descriptors in
#597 opened by qbx2 - 6
Python 3 support
#594 opened by mcandre - 6
- 12
- 10
OpenCV has stopped supporting Legacy Code
#542 opened by jayrambhia - 4
Installation for Raspberry Pi Broken
#579 opened by tony72 - 5
Sample Images not in pip distribution
#626 opened by erikcw - 2
Modify listHaarFeatures()
#649 opened by vinaychandra - 4
- 2
fail to install SimpleCV on Ubuntu 14.04
#646 opened by willard-yuan - 0
findDisparityMap doesn't support custom SADWindowSize
#644 opened by lazd - 0
crashing when setting level
#641 opened by jxieeducation - 0
colormodel setisbackground not working properly
#639 opened by jxieeducation - 0
- 1
Unable to unitialize Camera
#627 opened by previ - 0
- 1
Bug when using scale then colorDistance
#628 opened by baptistelabat - 0
Install 1.3 Superpack on Ubuntu 12.04 fails
#625 opened by sotte - 0
Resize image by fractions throws exception
#624 opened by Svenito - 1
BUG simplecv Qt-Example
#566 opened by rodgomesc - 0
brew doesn't have PIL as a formula
#613 opened by hustcalm - 0
fatal error: 'freetype/fterrors.h' file not found when building PIL on Mac OS X
#614 opened by hustcalm - 1
simplecv entry point %r not found - import error
#584 opened by Brokengeiger - 6
Homebrew formula for SimpleCv
#577 opened by saharshtibrewal - 3
ubuntu 13.04x64 install fails
#561 opened by waspinator - 1
- 1
eu quero relatar um bug:
#555 opened by rodgomesc - 2
- 1
pip install does not check for pygame
#540 opened by michaelaye - 1
Image.min() actually performs a max
#537 opened by Zulko - 1
Problem using HaarLikeFeatureExtractor
#535 opened by pauloortins - 2
- 0
Incorrect values returned by Color.hsv()
#531 opened by rrjjvv - 0
sets PYTHONPATH to current directory on Windows
#605 opened by techtonik - 0
- 2
API change: Image.find* functions should return an empty list when no results are found
#599 opened by louist87 - 1
Image.rotate(180) returning black image.
#560 opened by xamox - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
Bug in example
#530 opened by ferronrsmith - 0
sorting image set is unnatural
#569 opened by waspinator - 0
Lucas Kanade tracking uses all OS's RAM
#567 opened by maraujop - 1
Would love a draw() method on Image class that could take in a feature or featureset.
#550 opened by xamox - 0
- 1
AdaptiveScale is broken
#539 opened by jayrambhia - 0
Image.huePeaks() can't handle near 0 peaks.
#554 opened by xamox - 1
License of the examples
#543 opened by fabaff - 3
Relative vs. Absolute Path
#534 opened by predmach