
Sigi - a tool for organizing

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

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Sigi CLI

sigi is an organizing tool for terminal lovers who hate organizing

Use sigi as extra memory. Use it to toss your tasks, groceries, or the next board games you want to play onto a stack. Shell aliases are encouraged to organize your various stacks.

$ sigi -h
An organizing tool for terminal lovers who hate organizing

Usage: sigi [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  interactive  Run in an interactive mode [aliases: i]
  -            Read input lines from standard input. Same commands as interactive mode, but only prints for printing commands. Intended for use in unix pipes
  complete     Move the current item to "<STACK>_history" and mark as completed [aliases: done, finish, fulfill]
  count        Print the total number of items in the stack [aliases: size, length]
  delete       Move the current item to "<STACK>_history" and mark as deleted [aliases: pop, remove, cancel, drop]
  delete-all   Move all items to "<STACK>_history" and mark as deleted [aliases: purge, pop-all, remove-all, cancel-all, drop-all]
  edit         Edit the content of an item. Other metadata like creation date is left unchanged
  head         Print the first N items (default is 10) [aliases: top, first]
  is-empty     Print "true" if stack has zero items, or print "false" (and exit with a nonzero exit code) if the stack does have items [aliases: empty]
  list         Print all items [aliases: ls, snoop, all]
  list-stacks  Print all stacks [aliases: stacks]
  move         Move current item to another stack
  move-all     Move all items to another stack
  next         Cycle to the next item; the current item becomes last [aliases: later, cycle, bury]
  peek         Print the first item. This is the default CLI behavior when no command is given [aliases: show]
  pick         Move items to the top of stack by their number
  push         Create a new item [aliases: create, add, do, start, new]
  rot          Rotate the three most-current items [aliases: rotate]
  swap         Swap the two most-current items
  tail         Print the last N items (default is 10) [aliases: bottom, last]
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -q, --quiet                    Omit any leading labels or symbols. Recommended for use in shell scripts
  -s, --silent                   Omit any output at all
  -v, --verbose                  Print more information, like when an item was created [aliases: noisy]
  -f, --format <FORMAT>          Use a programmatic format. Options include [csv, json, json-compact, tsv]. Not compatible with quiet/silent/verbose [possible values: csv, json, json-compact, tsv]
  -t, --stack <STACK>            Manage items in a specific stack [aliases: topic, about, namespace]
  -d, --data-store <DATA_STORE>  (Advanced) Manage sigi stacks in a specific directory. The default is either the value of a SIGI_HOME environment variable or your OS-specific home directory [aliases: dir, directory, store]
  -h, --help                     Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version                  Print version


Use subcommands in interactive mode directly. No OPTIONS (flags) are understood in interactive mode. The ; character can be used to separate commands.

The following additional commands are available:
    ?               Show the short version of "help"
    clear           Clear the terminal screen
    use             Change to the specified stack [aliases: stack]
    exit            Quit interactive mode [aliases: quit, q]


sigi as a to-do list

sigi can understand do (create a task) and done (complete a task).

$ alias todo='sigi --stack todo'

$ todo do Write some code
Creating: Write some code

$ todo do Get a drink
Creating: Get a drink

$ todo do Take a nap
Creating: Take a nap

$ todo list
Now: Take a nap
  1: Get a drink
  2: Write some code

$ sleep 20m

$ todo done
Completed: Take a nap

It's best to use sigi behind a few aliases with unique "stacks". You should save these aliases in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or whatever your shell has for configuration. sigi accepts a --stack option, and you can have as many stacks as you can think of names.

Forgot what to do next?

$ todo
Now: Get a drink

Not going to do it?

$ todo delete
Deleted: Get a drink

sigi as a save-anything list

Extending the alias idea, you can use sigi to store anything you want to remember later.

$ alias watch-later='sigi --stack watch-later'

$ watch-later add One Punch Man
Creating: One Punch Man
$ alias story-ideas='sigi --stack=story-ideas'

$ story-ideas add Alien race lives backwards through time.
Creating: Alien race lives backwards through time.

sigi remote via ssh

If you have a host you can access remotely, using a tool like OpenSSH, you can also use sigi across machines. Consider using an alias like this:

$ alias home-todo='ssh -qt user@host.or.ip sigi --stack=home-todo'

Protip: If you do a bunch of machine hopping via SSH, consider adding host aliases in $HOME/.ssh/config. I set these up something like this:

Host hq
    User boonieppper
    HostName 192.168.x.x
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/etc

which allows for just running ssh hq, for example.

sigi as a local stack-based database

sigi understands the programmer-familiar push and pop idioms. It can be used for simple, persistent, small-scale stack use-cases.

Using the --quiet (or -q) flag is recommended for shell scripts, as it leaves out any leading labels or symbols. If used with a pipe, it's recommended to use the - subcommand to read from standard input and only print if the action requested is a printing action (like list).

sigi is pretty fast: sub-millisecond for basic use cases. That said, it is not intended to handle large amounts of data, or concurrent throughput. For something beefier with stack semantics, check out Redis.


Packaging status

If your packaging system doesn't have it yet, the best way to install sigi is through the Rust language package manager, cargo:

$ cargo install sigi

Instructions on installing cargo can be found here:

Please package it up for your Linux/BSD/etc distribution.

Contributing and support

Please open an issue if you see bugs or have ideas!

I'm looking for people to use the sigi wiki to share their tips, tricks, and examples.

Thanks for checking it out!