
%emissary allows a star to designate a planet as its representative.

Primary Languagehoon


%emissary allows a running star to designate a planet as its representative. (This is tied to operation not merely to ownership.) The app is served at /app/emissary.

%emissary allows app developers to permit delegate planets to exercise star-related powers and privileges. It can be used for arrangements beyond this, however.

There are three roles one can play with respect to %emissary:

  1. Patron. A point (typically a point on a tier heavier in the address space, such as a galaxy or star) will designate a delegate (commonly a star or planet). A patron exposes a public attestation of the delegation to remote scry.
  2. Delegate. A point (typically a point lighter in the address space, such as a star or planet) will act as a delegae of a patron (commonly a galaxy or star). A delegate exposes a public attestaion of the delegation to remote scry.
  3. Observer. A third-party app or point wishes to verify whether two points are in a patronage relationship. This observer must periodically remote scry both points for agreement.

Prior Art

Special thanks to ~paldev for /lib/rudder and to ~midden-fabler for %ahoy (code from which was coopted here for breach detection).

%emissary is available under the MIT License.



Install over the wire from ~magbel.

|install ~magbel %emissary

Install from source by cloning this repository then copying the contents of the desk/ directory into your ship as usual.

git clone https://github.com/sigilante/emissary.git
yes | cp -r emissary/desk/* zod/emissary


The patron is responsible to send a request to another point for that point to act as its delegate.

Delegation may be managed through the patron portal online or using CLI generators:

:emissary|designate ~sampel-palnet
:emissary|revoke ~sampel-palnet

Served at /app/emissary/patron.


The delegate-designee may review and either accept or reject requests from other points to serve as their delegate.

Delegation may be managed through the delegate portal online or using CLI generators:

:emissary|accept ~sampel
:emissary|reject ~sampel

Served at /app/emissary/delegate.


An observer may query whether a point has any delegates or any patrons.

Served at /app/emissary/observer.

Local Scries

:: Get set of all confirmed delegates.
.^((set @p) %gy /=emissary=/delegates)
:: Get set of all pending outgoing requests.
.^((set @p) %gy /=emissary=/outgoing)
:: Get set of all pending incoming requests.
.^((set @p) %gy /=emissary=/incoming)
:: Get set of all confirmed patrons.
.^((set @p) %gy /=emissary=/patrons)

:: Check status of single delegate claim.
.^(? %gx /=emissary=/delegate/~sampel-palnet/emissary-demand)
:: Check status of single patron claim.
.^(? %gx /=emissary=/patron/~sampel-palnet/emissary-demand)

Remote Scries

The following scry endpoints are bound (with appropriate revision number and the same types as above):

:: Get set of all confirmed delegates.
:: Get set of all pending outgoing requests.
:: Get set of all pending incoming requests.
:: Get set of all confirmed patrons.

:: Check status of single delegate claim.
:: Check status of single patron claim.

You can request one of these values at the current time using a %keen task (without the double //):

[%pass /emissary/fine %arvo %a %keen ~sampel-palnet /g/x/0/emissary/delegate/~sampel]

If the target ship has participated in %emissary, then that task will trigger the return of a %tune gift of the form:

[%tune [~sampel-palnet /emissary/fine] `roar]

The +$roar will contain the remote scry path and the value in its head. (The tail is the signature.) That head:

[/g/x/0/emissary/delegate/~sampel [~ %.y]]

You can (locally) check currently bound scry paths thus:

> .^(* %gx /=emissary=//patron/~zod)

> ;;([%patron ?] .^(* %gx /=emissary=//patron/~zod))
[%patron %.n]

> .^((set @p) %gy /=emissary=/incoming)

> .^((list path) %gt /=emissary=//patron)

> .^([%ud @ud] %gw /=emissary=//patrons)
[%ud 11]

A third-party agent should be careful to use the latest revision of the delegation. It remains to decide what is a good interval for this attestation to remain valid (i.e. if a star is taken offline). We also need to produce a library core to facilitate checking both points easily.



The major data structures include:

  • +$ trigger for a patron to decide about a delegate.
  • +$ request for a parton to send to a delegate.
  • +$ decide for a delegate to decide about a patron.
  • +$ response for a delegate to reply to a patron.
  • +$ demand represents responses to scries (local and remote).

Canonically, triggerrequestdecideresponse.

You may use the /mar/emissary/demand file to properly process a response to a marked scry.


  • +accept for a delegate to accept a patron.
  • +designate for a patron to request a delegate.
  • +reject for a delegate to refuse a patron.
  • +revoke for a patron to unrequest a delegate.


%emissary uses /lib/rudder to present its browser interface.


  • [1 0 0] initial release, local scry only
  • [1 1 0] add support for remote scry; reorganize actions; adjust scry paths; add observer page
  • [1 1 1] adjust CSS
  • [1 2 0] hotfix remote scry on livenet; rework query data structure
  • [1 3 0] tombstone stale remote scry endpoints
  • [1 4 0] remove patrons and delegates on breach notification
  • [1 4 1] bump to 411 K; modify remote scry task signatures
  • [1 4 2] modify remote scries for 411K

Planned Work

  • add observer library
  • add QR code status check