
Status ~2024.10.30. Mirrored tower state to tenna to make it easier to communicate to tuner.


  • handle %watch subs & updates
  • make the actual page builder
  • [/] fix subscription/state mismatches
  • finish navbar
  • handle MetaMask auth/button
  • show default page for !authenticated.req.order

watch videos and listen to music with your friends on urbit.

viewing parties, audio/video curation, scheduled broadcasting, or just hanging out.


there are two agents: tower and tenna.

%tenna manages a single subscription to a remote tower configurable from the UI.

%tower stores a configurable url+timestamp for media and relays chat messages to all subscribers.

%tuner provides a static tuned-in station with chatbox to arbitrary observers who log in with an Urbit id

  • access a broadcasting ship at its url https://my.ship/apps/tuner
  • currently (~2024.10.16) chat messages are not yet supported pending auth
  • maybe add this


the radio frontend uses the react-player npm library to play media based on a url+timestamp.

every radio station has its own chatroom. to interact with radio, users type commands into chat.

the tuner frontend is served using sail