
NGINX Role for ansible

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Nginx role for ansible

This was extracted from a more complex ansible environment I built for a client, and is slowly being migrated to something stand-alone. It's targetting debian (9/10), and I'm adding support for CentOS/RedHat 8 at this time.

Compatibility with debian should be good, centos will take a few more patches over the coming days.

On CentOS/RedHat this role might use some non-default paths and options, as it's mostly a direct conversion from the Debian version I built before (and I like the debian setup better).


The entire role can always be included, as it won't do anything unless 'manage_nginx' is enabled (default false)

A default 'dummy' configuration will be created, listening on port 80, which will basically only redirect everything to https, and have a configuration for /.well-known/acme-challenge, so we can do ACME validations.

Besides this default 'dummy' configuration, actual useful websites should be configured in the 'nginx_sites' structure

An example 'nginx_sites':


  • name: "packages.example.com" hostname: "packages.example.com" bind: "" port: "8000" nossl: true config:
    • "# debpkgs"
    • "root /var/www/packages;"
    • "index index.html;"
    • "autoindex on;"
  • name: "monitoring.example.com" config:
    • "# icinga"
    • "root /usr/share/icinga/htdocs/;"
    • "index index.html;"
    • "auth_pam 'Restricted Access';"
    • "auth_pam_service_name "nginx-allusers";"
    • "location /icinga/ {"
    • " alias /usr/share/icinga/htdocs/;"
    • "}"
    • "location ~ \.cgi$ {"
    • " root /usr/lib/cgi-bin/icinga;"
    • " rewrite ^/cgi-bin/icinga/(.*)$ /$1;"
    • " include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;"
    • " fastcgi_param AUTH_USER $remote_user;"
    • " fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;"
    • " fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/lib/cgi-bin/icinga$fastcgi_script_name;"
    • " fastcgi_pass fcgiwrap;"
    • "}"


Base defaults

nginx_v4_default_bind : Address to bind to using ipv4, default ''

nginx_v6_default_bind : Address to bind to using ipv6, default '[::]'

nginx_v4_default_port : Port-number to listen on for the default ipv4 site, defaults to '80'

nginx_v6_default_port : Port-number to listen on for the default ipv6 site, defaults to '80'

nginx_global_extra : Extra configuration to include into the default website configuration

Per-site settings

nossl : The default is to use ssl, and bind on port 443, setting nossl to false will change this back to port 80 and no-ssl.

port : Set the portnumber to listen on, default will be either 80 or 443, depending on the value of nossl

bindproto : The protocols to bind on, either 'ipv4', 'ipv6' or undefined, which means both.

bind : The IPv4 to bind on, default is ''

bind6 : The IPv6 to bind on, default is '[::]'

sslchain : The location of the certificate-chain to be used for TLS, will default to nginx_default_chain unless specified

sslkey : The location of the key to be used for TLS, will default to nginx_default_key unless specified

hostname (mandatory) : The site names to listen on, space separated

accesslog : Where to store the request logs, default will be in /var/log/nginx/sitename.access.log

errorlog : Where to store the error logs, default will be in /var/log/nginx/sitename.error.log

config : Additional configuration for this website, will be copied verbatim into the resulting site-configuration. Should usually include things like 'root' and 'index' entries, or 'location' and 'proxy' statements.