Minecraft Utility Mod for the latest release of Minecraft developed by Cypphi.
Haze Clinet tucan loggar confirmed??1/1/1/?!?!?!!?
We accept contributions, just make sure that:
- Your code isn't complete garbage. By this we mean that your code follows the same syntax we use and that it's efficient, eg use switch cases instead of if else if elseif elseif elseif else (you get it).
- Your contribution isn't useless, useless feature pull requests will be denied.
I decided to call the client "Haze" as it refers to my weed addiction and favorite type of weed: Amnesia Haze.
We'll not yet be providing any guides on how to run Haze. This is due to the fact that it's in such an early-dev stage that some builds might not even work or have any features. If you know how to run gradle projects, good for you, don't expect too much yet... Ok?