
A Stream Processor written in Golang that support pluggable tasks

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go Fish

Go Fish is a stream processor built in Golang. It provides the capability to write rules in Go as Go Plugins, which are dynamically linked at runtime.

Go Fish seeks to implement similar functionality to Apache Samza, without tight coupling to Kafka or YARN. Currently it implements reading streams, writing output events and state management. Future versions may include Checkpointing, Windowing, Metrics and a cluster implementation to co-ordinate message routing between nodes.

Development Status: Ready for alpha testing

Bare minimum

The bare minimum to have a working example requires you to create a Rule and an Event Type. These must be compiled as plugins and the path to the compiled plugins supplied as an argument to go-fish.

To avoid duplication, the event struct can be extracted to a seperate file, as the struct is required by both the Rule and Event Type. A repository of Rules, Event structs and Event Types may look like so:

├── build.sh
├── eventStructs
│   └── struct.go
├── eventTypes
│   ├── event_type.go
└── rules
    ├── rule.go

Where build.sh does the following:

for DIR in "eventTypes rules"; do
    for FILE in $(ls $DIR); do
        go build -buildmode=plugin -o ${DIR}/${FILE%.go}.so ${DIR}/${FILE}


See examples/ for some implementations of go-fish.

Creating an Event Struct

The Event Struct can simply defines the data structure for the event and implements the event interface. This is a trivial example where the event contains just a single string:

package eventStructs

const EventName = "exampleEventType"

type ExampleType struct {
	Str string

func (e ExampleType) TypeName() string {
	return EventName

In this example we export the EventName variable, which can be re-used in the Event Type to implement the Name() method.

Writing an Event Type

The Event Type is responsible for decoding the Event. It implements the eventType interface.

type eventType interface {
	Name() string
	Decode([]byte) (event.Event, error)

Where event is a minimal package that can be imported from github.com/patrobinson/go-fish/event.

Writing a Rule

The Rule must also include the Event struct, so that it can assert the Event it receives is the Event Struct it's expecting. It implements the Rule interface.

type Rule interface {
	Process(interface{}) bool
	String() string