This project runs a Ricochet IM bot that will receive/store/retrieve missed messages, much like a telephone answering machine. This is built using GoRicochet (an experimental implementation of the Ricochet Protocol in Go).
- Generates a new Ricochet identity if a private_key is not provided
- Stores incoming messages
- Permits admin access to the machine from different Ricochet identities with the use of a passphrase
Future features:
- Send/queue outgoing messages for the next time that contact is available
I offer no guarantees that this is tested or will maintain your anonymity.
Configure Tor (to run a hidden service on port 9878 and allow cookie control) by editing torrc
For example, in ubuntu run these commands with root:
echo -e "ControlPort 9051\nCookieAuthentication 1" >> /etc/tor/torrc
echo -e "HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/\nHiddenServicePort 9878" >> /etc/tor/torrc
service tor restart
chmod 644 /var/run/tor/control.authcookie
go get
Navigate to the source and edit settings for passphrase and admin at the top of answeringmachine.go
go run answeringmachine.go