This is verion 1.4 of the ThumbnailViewer. It is based on/uses tightvnc's java viewer v.1.3.9 and ultravnc's java viewer 1.0.2 You can execute the VncThumbnailViewer by running: java -classpath VncThumbnailViewer.jar VncThumbnailViewer You can specify servers to connect to on the commandline: java -classpath VncThumbnailViewer.jar VncThumbnailViewer HOST PORT 5900 PASSWORD pa$s HOST PORT 5900 PASSWORD p@ss You can use "encpassword" instead of "password" on the commandline to specify a vnc encrypted password instead of plaintext. java -classpath VncThumbnailViewer.jar VncThumbnailViewer HOST PORT 5900 ENCPASSWORD 40CCA9718FFB8E91 You can specify "username" on the commandline for any server that is using MS-Logon. It is recommended that you increase the Java Heap Size when running VncThumbnailViewer. Do this by adding the following commandline option: -Xmx128m