
file explorer which renders file content in the right context

Primary LanguageJavaScript


the main purpose of voyager is to provide a context aware file browser in a web page. voyager is a http server which can render file listings using the appropriate layout based on the types of files found.

A remote API is currently in development to allow connecting to remote servers.


section description
features feature summary
install installation
configuration configuration
image handling image handling
audio handling audio handling


  • context aware layout (photos, video, audio, etc)
  • image resize for thumbnails with a local cache, see image handling
  • HTML5 video playback using jplayer
  • HTML5 audio playback using jplayer
  • remote API so multiple voyagers can talk to each other
  • network ACL access control
  • simple dashboard gives overview of current configuration

getting started

Follow the installation and configuration to get setup

Load up for the dashboard view


export GOPATH=$HOME/go
go get -u github.com/sigmonsays/voyager/cmd/voyager

create ~/.voyager.cfg file with the paths you wish to allow. They are relative to your $HOME directory. To allow ~/Pictures to be browsable via HTTP, configure with this content:

   - Pictures

The path to access files from your home directory is access via ~/username on the URL. So the url for Pictures in the previous example would be /~user/Pictures.


default configuration file is ~/.voyager.cfg

The configuration file has a section per host. The default section is applied to all host, so it is suitable for configuring parameters which apply to all nodes. The node specific configuration section used is determined based on the hostname. For a given FQDN of desktop.example.net the string up to the first dot is used as a configuration section; In this case desktop and .example.net would be ignored.

The following parameters are available

  • startupbanner - string - printed when daemon starts
  • autoupgrade - bool - if you run voyager with $GOPATH set the program will auto upgrade when changes are detected
  • autorestart - bool - automatically restart daemon if the binary changes (useful with autoupgrade)
  • http.bindaddr - string - http bind address. default is :8181
  • allow - list - list of paths to allow from your home directory
  • layouts - map - map of paths enforcing a layout. Most significant path is used.
  • alias - map - map of top path name to alias local path
  • cachedir - string - /tmp/voyager - cache directory (image cache)

image handling

When voyager finds a directory with files which are mostly images the image handler will be invoked.

The image handler will render thumbnails for each image found. It make take a little to load the first time due to image resizing. The resizing happens during page load.

The resized images are cached in cachedir which by default is /tmp/voyager

audio handling

When voyager finds a directory with files which are mostly audio files, the audio handler will be invoked.

The audio handler displays a simple player which you can click on the track to play and listen to it.