- 1
- 9
Data source and procedure
#6 opened by bpopeters - 2
- 2
Additional features Part 2
#18 opened by slvnwhrl - 2
English and Czech test data part 2
#19 opened by slvnwhrl - 2
Word-level test datasets of English, Hungarian, and Italian contains some of `training` and `dev` instances
#20 opened by kbatsuren - 4
Etymology issues in English Sentence data
#17 opened by kbatsuren - 2
Interconnectedness of Part I and Part II
#16 opened by slvnwhrl - 2
Use of unlabeled data
#15 opened by Waino - 13
Sentence-level evaluation
#7 opened by bpopeters - 2
Baseline results in readme are incorrect
#12 opened by bpopeters - 6
Evaluation script is broken
#13 opened by bpopeters - 4
Bugs in computation of P/R/F-measure
#10 opened by bpopeters - 7
- 8
The evaluation script overestimates levenshtein distance for non-ascii segment sequences
#4 opened by bpopeters - 3