
SignalFx Reporter for Metrics.NET

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project is archieved.: Use https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-dotnet instead.


What is the SignalFx Reporter for Metrics.NET

The Metrics.NET library provides a way of instrumenting applications with custom metrics (timers, histograms, counters etc) that can be reported in various ways and can provide insights on what is happening inside a running application.

This assembly provides a mechanism to report the metrics gathered by Metrics.NET to SignalFx.

Note: Versions 3.0.0 and above of this library now target .NET Standard 2.0.

Sending Dimensions

In order to send dimensions to SignalFx with Metrics.NET you use the MetricTags object and use Metrics.Core.TaggedMetricsContext. This unfortunately(currently) means that you will to have a second context (think . in metric name). MetricTags are currently a list of strings. To send a dimension just add a string that looks like "key=value" to the MetricTags object you use to initialize your metrics. E.g

public TaggedMetricsContext getContext() {
   return (TaggedMetricsContext)Metric.Context("app", (ctxName) => { return new TaggedMetricsContext(ctxName); });

//Setup counters for API usage
public void setupCounters(string env) {
    this.loginAPICount = getContext().Counter("api.use", Unit.Calls, new MetricTags("environment="+env, "api_type=login"));
    this.purchaseAPICount = getContext().Counter("api.use", Unit.Calls, new MetricTags("environment="+env, "api_type=purchase"));
public void login() {

This will create a context called "app" so metrics reported will look like "yourhostname.app.api.use". This will allow you to see all of of your api.use metrics together or split it out by environment or by api_type.

Configuring the SignalFxReporter

You only need to configure the SignalFxReporter once per application start. If you configure multiple reports they will each send any metrics registered with Metrics.NET. So if you call the Metrics.Config.WithReporting(...) 10 times, then each metric will be reported 10 times to SignalFx.

To configure Metrics.Net to report you need to set up two things

  • Your SignalFx API token
  • The default source

Your SignalFx Organization Token

Retrieve an access token from the Organization Settings > Access Tokens page in SignalFx. If there are multiple tokens and you are unsure which one to use, contact your SignalFx administrator.

Configuring your endpoint

Before we can send metrics to SignalFx, we need to make sure you are sending them to the correct SignalFx realm. To determine what realm you are in, check your profile page in the SignalFx web application (click the avatar in the upper right and click My Profile). If you are not in the us0 realm, you will need to add your realm to your endpoint, as shown below.

// If your SignalFx profile page shows a realm other than us0,
// configure the builder to include your realm in the endpoint
 string ingestEndpoint = "https://ingest.{REALM}.signalfx.com";
 Metric.Config.WithReporting(report =>
      report.WithSignalFx("ORG_TOKEN", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).WithBaseURI(ingestEndpoint).Build());

Default source name

When reporting to SignalFx we need to associate the reported metrics to a "source". Some choices are:

  • NetBIOS Name
  • DNS Name
  • FQDN
  • Custom Source
  • None (don't send any "source" information)

AWS Integration

If your code will be running on an AWS instance and you have integrated SignalFx with AWS. You can configure the Metrics.Net.SignalFx reporter to send the instance id as one of the dimensions so that you can use the discovered AWS instance attributes to filter and group metrics.

Default Dimensions

If there are dimensions that you wish to send on all the metrics that you report to SignalFx. You can configure a set of "default dimensions" when you configure the SignalFxReporter

C# Configuration

Basic Configuration

// Configure with NetBios Name as the default source
 Metric.Config.WithReporting(report => 
      report.WithSignalFx("ORG_TOKEN", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).WithNetBiosNameSource().Build());
// Configure with DNS Name as the default source
Metric.Config.WithReporting(report => 
     report.WithSignalFx("ORG_TOKEN", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).WithDNSNameSource().Build());
// Configure with FQDN as the default source
Metric.Config.WithReporting(report => 
     report.WithSignalFx("ORG_TOKEN", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).WithFQDNSource().Build());
// Configure with custom source name
Metric.Config.WithReporting(report => 
     report.WithSignalFx("ORG_TOKEN", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).WithSource("<source name>").Build());

AWS Integration

// Add AWS Integration
Metric.Config.WithReporting(report =>
     report.WithSignalFx("ORG_TOKEN", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).WithAWSInstanceIdDimension().WithNetBiosNameSource().Build());

Default Dimensions

// Add default Dimensions
IDictionary<string, string> defaultDims = new Dictionary<string, string>();
defaultDims["environment"] = "prod";
defaultDims["serverType"] = "API";
Metric.Config.WithReporting(report =>
     report.WithSignalFx("ORG_TOKEN", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).WithDefaultDimensions(defaultDims).WithAWSInstanceIdDimension().WithNetBiosNameSource().Build());


The Metrics.NET library calculates aggregations for almost all of the metric types:

  • Counter(with items) -> percentage

  • Histogram -> count, last, min, mean, max, stddev, median, percent_75, percent_95, percent_98, percent_99, percent_999

  • Meter(no items) -> rate_mean, rate_1min, rate_5min, rate_15min

  • Meter(with items) -> per Item: percent, rate_mean, rate_1min, rate_5min, rate_15min

  • Timer -> count, active_sessions, rate_mean, rate_1min, rate_5min, rate_15min, last, min, mean, max, stddev, median, percent_75, percent_95, percent_98, percent_99, percent_999

The client can specify which of these aggregations they wish to send. By default count,min,mean,max aggregations are sent.

// Send the 99 percentile metrics
Metric.Config.WithReporting(report =>
     report.WithSignalFx("ORG_TOKEN", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).WithMetricDetail(MetricDetails.percent_99).Build());

App.Config Configuration

It is also possible to use App.Config to configure the SignalFxReporter.

To configure via App.Config use the following code to initialize your Metrics:

Metric.Config.WithReporting(report => report.WithSignalFxFromAppConfig());

Basic Configuration

You need to first setup a section in the portion at the top of your App.Config file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <section name="signalFxReporter" type="Metrics.SignalFx.Configuration.SignalFxReporterConfiguration, Metrics.NET.SignalFx"/>

Next you need to add a stanza You must specify the following attributes:

  • apiToken - Your SignalFx Organization Token

The following attributes are optional

  • sourceDimension - What the name of the "source" dimension is. (If just a sourceType is specified and it is not 'none' then the default value for this is sf_source)
  • sourceType - How you would like to configure the default source. Your choices are:
  • none
  • netbios
  • dns
  • fqdn
  • custom - If you specify this you must also specify the "sourceValue" attribute to specify the custom source.
  • sampleInterval - TimeSpan (defaults to 00:00:05, minimum 00:00:01) How often to report metrics to SignalFx
  • maxDatapointPerMessage - Integer (defaults to 10000, min 1, max 10000) The maximum of points to report per message to SignalFx
  • awsIntegration - Boolean (default to false) If set to true then the AWS integration will be turned on. E.g
  <signalFxReporter apiToken="AAABQWDCC" sourceType="netbios" sampleInterval="00:00:05"/> 

Source Value for a Metric

It is often useful, but not required, to identify the "source" of a metric. An example of this is a hostname. There are two things that needs to be configured:

  • sourceDimension - The name of the "source" metric.
  • defaultSource - The value to send when the source metric value is not specified.

Default Dimensions

To add default dimensions add a nested in your stanza:

  <signalFxReporter apiToken="AAABQWDCC" sourceType="netbios" sampleInterval="00:00:05"> 
      <defaultDimension name="environment" value="prod"/>
      <defaultDimension name="serverType" value="API"/>

Additional Metrics

Metrics.NET is designed for measuring for continuously generated metrics and reporting these metrics from unique sources. This does not fit all use cases. For example, sometimes the "where" something was counted doesn't matter, or something may not be measured continuously. In order to support these use cases Metrics.NET.SignalFx supports some additional metric types

Incremental Metrics

Sometimes the "where" something is measured is not important, or it might be measured across several servers and need to be grouped by some other dimension (i.e. a customer id). In order for SignalFx to properly account for these types of metrics the following metric types should be used:


By default Metrics.Net counters are cumulative counters (i.e they send every increasing values 0,2,10,20,30). To get a Counter that only sends deltas, use TaggedMetricsContext.IncrementalCounter.

public TaggedMetricContext getContext() {
   return (TaggedMetricsContext)Metric.Context("app", (ctxName) => { return new TaggedMetricsContext(ctxName); });

//Setup counters for API usage
public void setupCounters(string env) {
    this.loginAPICount = getContext().IncrementalCounter("api.use", Unit.Calls, new MetricTags("environment="+env, "api_type=login"));
    this.purchaseAPICount = getContext().IncrementalCounter("api.use", Unit.Calls, new MetricTags("environment="+env, "api_type=purchase"));
public void login() {


This timer records just like a regular Timer, but it just reports a delta count and an average of samples. These are the only values that are useful in a distributed situation. To get a Timer that only sends deltas, use TaggedMetricsContext.IncrementalTimer.

public TaggedMetricContext getContext() {
   return (TaggedMetricsContext)Metric.Context("app", (ctxName) => { return new TaggedMetricsContext(ctxName); });

//Setup counters for API usage
public void setupCounters(string env) {
    this.loginAPTime = getContext().IncrementalTimer("api", Unit.Requests, tags: new MetricTags("environment="+env, "api_type=login"));
    this.purchaseAPITime= getContext().IncrementalTimer("api", Unit.Requests, tags: new MetricTags("environment="+env, "api_type=purchase"));
public void login() {
   using (var context = this.loginAPITime(customerId, "purchase")).NewContext())
        // if needed elapsed time is available in context.Elapsed 

Non Continuous Metrics

Metrics.NET was designed for continously measurable metrics, however not all metrics fit this profile. If you are recording timings per customer the rate at which a particular customer hits maybe low. The ReportOnUpdate* metrics are designed for these use cases:

  • TaggedMetricsContext.ReportOnUpdateCounter
  • TaggedMetricsContext.ReportOnUpdateTimer
  • TaggedMetricsContext.ReportOnUpdateMeter
  • TaggedMetricsContext.ReportOnUpdateHistogram All of these metrics act exactly the same as the underlying type, however they only report data points to SignalFx when a sample has been added.
public TaggedMetricContext getContext() {
   return (TaggedMetricsContext)Metric.Context("app", (ctxName) => { return new TaggedMetricsContext(ctxName); });

private Counter getCustomerCounter(string customerId) {
   return getContext().ReportOnUpdateCounter("api.use", Unit.Calls, new MetricTags("customerId="+customerId));
private Timer getCustomerAPITimer(string customerId, string api) {
   return getContext().ReportOnUpdateTimer("api.time", Unit.Requests, new MetricTags("api="+api, "customerId="+customerId));

public void purchaseAPI(String item, String userId, String customerId, double price) {
    using (var context = getCustomerAPITimer(customerId, "purchase").NewContext())
        processPurchase(item, userId, customerId, price);
        // if needed elapsed time is available in context.Elapsed 