This repository contains the SignalFx SignalFlow language grammar and the structure and tools required to generate the public code artifacts that make this grammar available in various languages.
The language is in ANTLR4 format and we use the antlr tool to generate the corresponding source code for the target languages. From there, we can build artifacts that can be included as dependencies in various projects that need to parse SignalFlow programs.
Note: if you're looking to use the grammar, you should use one of the generated artifacts instead of this repository.
The com.signalfx.public:signalflow-grammar
artifact Jar is available on
Maven Central:
The library is available for npm.js, and as a standalone browserified Javascript bundle.
npm install -g signalflow-grammar.js
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
The library is available on PyPI and depends on the Python2 ANTLR runtime:
$ pip install signalflow-grammar==2.7.0
Then, from your code, you can do:
import antlr4
from signalflow.grammar.SignalFlowV2Lexer import SignalFlowV2Lexer
from signalflow.grammar.SignalFlowV2Parser import SignalFlowV2Parser
def parse(program):
lexer = SignalFlowV2Lexer(program)
stream = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = SignalFlowV2Parser(stream)
Due to the Python like nature of SignalFlow some native code is required to keep track of indent/dedent levels. This native code is stored in <language>/grammar/*.g4. These native code files are stitched into SignalFlowLexer.g4 by the script.
Update the generated source code with the
$ ./ <version> $ git commit -a -m "Bump to version <version>" $ git push origin master
Then for each language, perform a release of the corresponding package.
$ cd java/ $ mvn clean deploy -P release-sign-artifacts -DperformRelease=true -DrepositoryId=ossrh -Dgpg.useagent=false
$ cd javascript/ $ npm publish $ aws s3 cp signalflow-grammar-<version>.js s3://public-sites--signalfx-com/cdn/
$ cd python/ $ python bdist_wheel $ twine upload dist/signalflow_grammar-<version>-py2-none-any.whl