
a starter kit for projects based on the mean stack with Heroku as PAAS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a starterkit for projects based on the mean stack using Heroku as PAAS


Mean stack is cool but get it all done can be difficult. There are lots of starter kits but they often make assumptions, add too much features or miss some important parts. This example show the complete workflow to build a node js app based on Mongodb, Mongoose, Express and Angular and deploy it with Heroku

Set up on your local machine

Be sure to have mongodb installed and running

Clone the repo

Install all the dependencies with

npm install

Start the app using

nodemon app

(see nodemon app docs)

Deploy to Heroku

Sign up at Heroku's website for a Free Plan

Create an app and follow their step by step guide

Add the MongoLab app with

heroku addons:create mongolab:sandbox

(you need the enter your credit card info but you won't be charged)

Deploy your app using

git push heroku master

Visit the application url and enjoy!

To Do

Better docs


Copyright (c) 2015 signalkuppe. Licensed under the MIT license.