
MundiPagg Magento2 Module

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DEPRECATED | CHECK NEW VERSION > https://github.com/pagarme/magento2

Mundipagg agora é Pagar.me

Buscando trazer a melhor experiência para os nossos clientes, a Mundipagg agora é parte do Pagar.me.

Somamos nossas funcionalidades e agora você tem acesso a uma plataforma financeira completa, que oferece o melhor das duas soluções em uma experiência unificada.

Você pode customizar nossos produtos e serviços da forma que for melhor para o seu e-commerce. Ficou curioso para saber o que muda? Preparamos um FAQ completo explicando tudo.

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Magento2/Mundipagg Integration module

This is the official Magento2 module for Mundipagg integration


Refer to module documentation

Plugin in Magento Marketplace

Coming soon 🚧


This module is now available through Packagist! You don't need to specify the repository anymore.


Add the following lines into your composer.json

	"require": {

or simply digit

composer require 'mundipagg/mundipagg-magento2-module:2.*'

Then type the following commands from your Magento root:

composer update
./bin/magento setup:upgrade
./bin/magento setup:di:compile

Upgrading to 2.x from 1.x and 2.x.x-beta


If you have an old module's version composer remove mundipagg/mundipagg-magento2-module

As a precaution, clear the composer cache: composer clearcache

Install the version: composer require 'mundipagg/mundipagg-magento2-module:2.*' -vvv

Then run the following commands from your Magento root:

./bin/magento setup:upgrade
./bin/magento setup:di:compile

For the future versions, just run composer update composer update


  • PHP >= 7.1
  • Magento >= 2.1

(This PHP version is the recommended one, but version 5.6 has been kept in Packagist/Composer for compatibility reasons.)


After installation has completed go to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Other Payment Methods > MundiPagg Payments.

To learn more about how detailed configure the module, see our wiki

Business/Technical Support

Please, send a e-mail to suporte@mundipagg.com

How can I contribute?

Please, refer to CONTRIBUTING

Found something strange or need a new feature?

Open a new Issue following our issue template ISSUE-TEMPLATE


See in releases