
This repository contains all the scripts and workflow necessary to bootstrap an experiment in AERPAW using srsRAN and analyze the obtained results. Please refer to

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End-to-end Full-Stack Drone Measurements:
A Case Study Using AERPAW

About The Project

This repository hosts the dataset used to create the plots presented in: M. Drago, A. Gürses, R. W. Heath Jr., M. Sichitiu and M. Zorzi, “End-to-end Full-Stack Drone Measurements: A Case Study Using AERPAW”. For storing constraints, this repository does not contain the PCAP files. If you are interested in those as well, please write to agurses@ncsu.edu.

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Dataset Description

Traffic models description:

  • Model A corresponds to a single UL flow with a ∼16 Mbps target application rate.
  • Model B corresponds to two separate UL flows, both with a ∼8.3 Mbps target application rate.
  • Model C corresponds to two separate UL flows, both with a ∼16 Mbps target application rate.


In order to replicate our measurements an experimenter first has to set up an AERPAW container with Ubuntu 18.04 Linux (already preinstalled) and the following software: an srsRAN version that includes our fix [19], UHD v4.2.0 [20], and MGEN [16]. All the required scripts for starting the experiment and the different traffic model files are included in [5], so that the experiments can be submitted and run by AERPAW operators without any changes (simply by running startexperiment.sh from the home directory in all the VMs).

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Matteo Drago - dragomat@dei.unipd.it

Anil Gürses - agurses@ncsu.edu

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We want to thank the AERPAW's team for the support during the measurements and the on-site problem solving, in particular: Ozgur Ozdemir, Mark Funderburk and John Kesler.

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