
Opinionated Gatsby v2 starter.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

{{= appName }}

{{= appName }}



  • One config file for site-wide settings (/content/site-config.js);
  • React Context for global UI state, with SSR;
  • UI Folder with common components;
  • No index files: Header/Header.tsx and Header/Header.css.ts
  • Support alias and absolutes imports: @ to access ./src;


  • SEO component: Social / meta tags;'
  • Generate sitemap automatically;
  • Generates all favicons for Web, Android, iOS,


Quality code and others

  • Fomat Prettier by Lint stage (only update what is in HEAD);
  • size-plugin to keep an eye on your bundle sizes
  • commitlint: Lint commit messages;
  • Eslint;
  • Run develop mode from Local LAN (;
  • Test support

Run development mode

Start up the project

npm run develop


Make a new build to /public folder

npm run build

Built with Gatsby.

Based on gatsby-universal and gatsby-starter-strict