
Simple i18n library for React

Primary LanguageTypeScript



A Zero dependency opinionated Significa's i18n package for React.

Table of Contents
  1. Usage
  2. Messages object
  3. Message parameters
  4. License


Include the provider on the top level of your app.

Pass the messages object based on the current language selected on your app.

import { I18nProvider } from '@significa/react-i18n'

<I18nProvider messages={i18nMessages}>
  <App />

You can either use the useTranslation helper or the Translation component

import { useTranslation } from '@significa/react-i18n'

const YourComponent = () => {
  const { t } = useTranslation()

  return (
import { Translation } from '@significa/react-i18n'

const YourComponent = () => {
  return (
      <Translation id="yourMessage" />

Messages object

Your messages object should be according to the following example.

  id: message,
  anotherId: anotherMessage

Message parameters

It's possible to add parameters to the message, a string between double curlybraces is represented as a parameter.

// Messages Object
  greet: "Hello {{name}}"
<Translation id="greet" values={{
  name: user.name   // {{name}} will be replaced by `user.name`
}} />


  {t('greet', { name: user.name })}



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