This is the repo with the source code for Significa's website, our very own nest on the web. Launching a new website has been something we have been wanting to do for years, but we never found the time – the shoemaker's son goes barefoot, right? In 2023, we finally did it. We find it a work of art, but of course, we are biased. Give it a go.
- alexander-aeLima
- andrewcioIsolary
- AnttiKohtamaki
- BlueAccordsOlympia, WA
- Brettm12345@you-got-bud
- calebsylvest@Matter-UX-Design
- danilowoz@resend
- deammeDenmark
- dingyiDEX
- dmnplbDesign Engineer @pagopa
- eur2
- fk@netlify
- gustavoquinalhaAccountfy
- hinsxd
- honzabilek4@localazy
- iamrakbar
- ilterisnyc
- isabelsaPorto, Portugal
- JackGaark
- jdrzejblivechat
- johntran@maginestudios
- justingoodandgold
- KarolinaCzo
- mindmergedesignjgiraldo
- nelixmelbourne, australia
- nikumuUnicesumar
- nullnotfound
- panopticanFoundry
- rdlphmchrd
- ruijdacd@Agreena-ApS
- santoshgistto
- smatjes
- thedemodev
- vespertinesHeavy Industries
- vitordino@riotgames
- vkefallinos