Bee Sync & Retrieve Test

This is a small test script to evaluate the reliability of chunk push sync & retrieval of Bee.

The basic idea is that it uploads a random chunk to one node and then it tries to fetch the hash of that chunk from a list of nodes until it successfully retrieves the chunk from all nodes.


This is a Node.js project. Node v12+ is recommended.


npm install


The scripts expects a comma separated list of Bee nodes to be provided in an environment variable. By default it is the address of the locally running Bee node (http://localhost:1633).

export BEE_HOSTS=,,,

Running the test

node test

This will upload a single random chunk to one node and wait until the chunk is retrieved from all the nodes.

Understanding the output

Usually after starting the script the output looks like this:

Starting at 2021-08-24 11:49
Random seed: 1c5afc5d7c9c806cb839755fd6436b56caa8ddac45c839124d4da900b26d1fa7
Timeout 600 secs

Bee uploaded, bytes: 1c5afc5d7c9c806cb839755fd6436b56caa8ddac45c839124d4da900b26d1fa7, hash 10744a2546c11f6ae58058872ced84f3474c2dab19fe3e06868c26e075a7d77c
Bee finished, elapsed time 1 secs, hash retrieved from 1/3, hash 10744a2546c11f6ae58058872ced84f3474c2dab19fe3e06868c26e075a7d77c
Bee finished, elapsed time 233 secs, hash retrieved from 2/3, hash 10744a2546c11f6ae58058872ced84f3474c2dab19fe3e06868c26e075a7d77c
Bee finished, elapsed time 244 secs, hash retrieved from 3/3, hash 10744a2546c11f6ae58058872ced84f3474c2dab19fe3e06868c26e075a7d77c
Hash retrieved from all bees, elapsed time 244 secs, hash 10744a2546c11f6ae58058872ced84f3474c2dab19fe3e06868c26e075a7d77c

This means that the script randomly selected bee-2 from BEE_HOSTS to upload a single chunk, that has the hash 10744a2546c11f6ae58058872ced84f3474c2dab19fe3e06868c26e075a7d77c. Also it immediately succeeded in downloading the chunk from bee-2 and then it waits for the other nodes to retrieve the chunk. Then after waiting 233 and 244 seconds it managed to download it from bee-0 and bee-3 respectively. After that it waits until it manages to download from all hosts (in our example for bee-1).

Checking the results

Sometimes it is useful to check if a hash is available on several nodes. For example if the test script run is interrupted or happens in a different node. There is a check script for that which expects the hash as an argument:

node check 10744a2546c11f6ae58058872ced84f3474c2dab19fe3e06868c26e075a7d77c

Report file

There is a report generated after running the script. The report is appended to the report.csv file which is a CSV file. The columns are the following:

start date in UTC,seed in hex,random bytes in hex,time of retrieval of 1st node,2nd node,3rd node,etc.