
Signifyd API Blueprint

Primary LanguageAPI Blueprint

Signifyd API Blueprint

Can be interactively viewed at www.signifyd.com/docs/api

API doc editing workflow

For private API docs, follow this same procedure with the repo from Github (https://github.com/signifyd/private-docs) and edit at https://app.apiary.io/signifydunpublishedapi/editor.
  1. Go here for public API: https://app.apiary.io/signifydapi/editor.
  2. Create a new branch in Apiary with Add a branch.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Click the Push button
  5. Pull the new branch down locally from Github (https://github.com/signifyd/docs).
  6. Open a review diff as usual with arc.
  7. Land the diff.
  8. Profit.