
Code repository for FreGrad

Primary LanguagePython

Official implementation of FreGrad: Lightweight and fast frequency-aware diffusion vocoder (ICASSP 2024)

(Oral presentation)

This repository is an official PyTorch implementation of the paper:

Tan Dat Nguyen, Ji-Hoon Kim, Youngjoon Jang, Jaehun Kim, Joon Son Chung. "FreGrad: lightweight and fast frequency-aware diffusion vocoder." ICASSP (2024). [arxiv] [demo] [MMAI-KAIST]

This repository contains a vocoder model (mel-spectrogram conditional waveform synthesis) presented in FreGrad.


The goal of this paper is to generate realistic audio with a lightweight and fast diffusion-based vocoder, named FreGrad. Our framework consists of the following three key components: (1) We employ discrete wavelet transform that decomposes a complicated waveform into sub-band wavelets, which helps FreGrad to operate on a simple and concise feature space, (2) We design a frequency-aware dilated convolution that elevates frequency awareness, resulting in generating speech with accurate frequency information, and (3) We introduce a bag of tricks that boosts the generation quality of the proposed model. In our experiments, FreGrad achieves $3.7$ times faster training time and $2.2$ times faster inference speed compared to our baseline while reducing the model size by $0.6$ times (only $1.78$ M parameters) without sacrificing the output quality.


Refer to the demo page for the samples from the model.

Quick Start and Examples

I recommend user to use VSCode Better Comments to easily find out our comments that show our contributions as described in paper.

  1. Navigate to FreGrad root and install dependencies

    # the codebase has been tested on Python 3.8 with PyTorch 1.8.2 LTS and 1.10.2 conda binaries
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    chmod +x train.sh inference.sh
  2. Modify filelists/train.txt, filelists/valid.txt, filelists/test.txt so that the filelists point to the absolute path of the wav files. The codebase provides the LJSpeech dataset template. Here, we also provided randomly generated filelists we used to train our model that reported in paper.

  3. Train FreGrad (our training code supports multi-GPU training). To train the model:

    • Take a look and change default parameters defined in params.py if needed.
    • Specify cuda devices before train.
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 ./train.sh

    The training script first builds the training set statistics and saves it to stats_priorgrad folder created at data_root (/path/to/your/LJSpeech-1.1 in the above example).

    It also automatically saves the hyperparameter file (params.py), renamed as params_saved.py, to model_dir at runtime to be used for inference.

  4. Inference (fast mode with T=6)

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ./inference.sh

    Please uncomment or comment options in inference.sh to control inference process. Here, we provided:

    • --fast --fast_iter 6 uses fast inference noise schedule with --fast-iter reverse diffusion steps.

    • If --fast is not provided, the model performs slow sampling with the same T step forward diffusion used in training.

    Samples are saved to the sample_fast if --fast is used, or sample_slow if not, created at the parent directory of the model (checkpoints in the above example).

Pretrained Weights

We release the pretrained weights of FreGrad model trained on LJSpeech for 1M steps at this link. Please download and extract the file to checkpoints directory to achieve a directory as follow:

   | fregrad/
      | weights-1000000.pt
      | params_saved.py

   | stats_priorgrad/

stats_priorgrad saved at data_root is required to use the checkpoint for training and inference. Refer to the step 3 of the Quick Start and Examples above.

The codebase defines weights.pt as a symbolic link of the latest checkpoint. Restore the link with ln -s weights-1000000.pt weights.pt to continue training (__main__.py), or perform inference (inference.py) without specifying --step


Our backbone code is based on following opensource:

We give thanks to reference open-sources for kindly publish their code for research community.


If you find FreGrad useful to your work, please consider citing the paper as below:

  author={Tan Dat Nguyen, Ji-Hoon Kim, Youngjoon Jang, Jaehun Kim, Joon Son Chung},
  booktitle={ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, 
  title={FreGrad: Lightweight and fast frequency-aware diffusion vocoder}, 