
Francesco Signoretti CT take home assignment

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  1. Install dependencies using yarn install
  2. Start development server using yarn start


  1. Run tests using yarn test


⚠️ The project is automatically deployed using Netlify. Any commit to the master branch will be picked up, built and (if successful) deployed on https://ct-take-home-signoretti.netlify.app/

If you would like to self host this repository on a dedicated server:

  1. Run yarn build which will output a built version of the project in build folder2
  2. Install serve (yarn global add serve)
  3. Serve package from server on opened port from nginx / apache using command serve -s build -l PORT_NUMBER


  • The app is voluntarily over-engineered for the purpose of demonstrating skills in this assesment
  • useQuery and relative API structure has been mocked to show how I would have approached the task if information were to be fetched from a server. This could also be used as a state management technique that would scale well in larger products. Please note I recognise this could have completely avoided here given we're dealing with the import of a json file. Also please note that fetching json from source was not convenient given CORS policies on http://www.cartrawler.com/ctabe/cars.json.
  • I had to resort to React 17 since both react-query and Chakra-UI are still working on React 18 compatibility. See here for a sample issue I faced

Possible improvements:

  • Improve website's responsiveness: In a production environment, I would make sure Items resize properly when dealing with mobile phone and I would have hidden the filters sidebar away
  • E2E tests: In a production environment, I would set up E2E using cypress to make sure buttons, filters, sorts, etc behave as expected
  • CI/CD testing: In a production environment, I would set up tests to be blocking for the build and deployment of a commit on the main website
  • Icons: Icons have been taken from rentalcars.com and Feather Icons and should probably be replaced by proprietary ones / icons that make more sense for given context
  • Lazy load images: Images could be lazy loaded


  1. Please note that test coverage is very low as it is and by no means production ready - as per exercise requirements I have just shown how I would approach unit testing (utils/toggleItemFromArray) and integration testing (pages/CarPage)

  2. build folder is committed to GitHub (worst practice) as per assignment requirements ("also provide a ready-built, ready-to-run version")