
EC2 instance Terraform module and automated versioning

Primary LanguageHCL


This is a sample of AWS EC2 Terraform module.

How to use this repository as a module in your IaC?

module "ec2_public" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/signorrayan/aws-ec2-terraform-module.git?ref=v1.3.6" #Always try to use the latest vesrion

  # Insert the required variables here
  name                   = "${var.environment}-BastionHost"
  ami                    = data.aws_ami.ubuntu.id
  instance_type          = var.instance_type
  key_name               = var.instance_keypair
  subnet_id              = var.public_subnets
  vpc_security_group_ids = [var.security_group_id]
  instance_count         = 3

An overview of Terraform files:


  • In this file, there are following data blocks that I used:
    • aws_ami : It is Ubuntu 22 OS, you can use it, or you can easily define your AMI id variable inside terraform.tfvars
    • aws_partition: This block will lookup information about the current AWS partition in which Terraform is working. (I will use its dns_suffix output in the following data resource)
    • aws_iam_policy_document: In aws_iam_policy_document I wrote an IAM policy document in JSON format for use in aws_iam_role resource. (More information)


  • Locals are useful to use when you want to give the result of an expression and then re-use that result throughout your configuration. That's why I used locals to create iam_role_name and a list of instance_names.


  • In this file I defined the main structure of Terraform script which:
    • Will create one or more EC2 instances. (default number of instances (instance_count) to create is set to 1, and the default environment is set to 'test'. So you can change them by defining these variables.)
    • Will create an IAM role, and an IAM instance profile. (An instance profile is a container for an IAM role that we can use to pass role information to an EC2 instance when the instance starts, that's why I defined an aws_iam_instance_profile)
    • Will create two security groups to allow outgoing traffic and allow incoming ssh connections on port 22 if variable create_sg is set to true . the default value for create_sg is false, so if you want to create these security groups, define it in tfvars and set it to true.
      • (Note: even if the create_sg is set to false, the AWS will create outgoing security group by default.)

How to set-up to run on your environment and AWS:

  1. Take a look at variables.tf, and see what variables are defined and you want to define your values for them in tfvars.
  2. Don't forget to specify region and instance_type in terraform.tfvars
  3. Run the following commands to initialize the Terraform and push the settings to AWS:
    terraform init
    terraform validate
    terraform plan
    terraform apply

Sample output, after creating the instance:

alt Output