Challenge source code, official writeups, and infrastructure setup for UIUCTF 2023
- 0n3t04ll
- 5h4rrk@teambi0s
- arkarkJapan
- aweMinchoo
- azhlm
- Banzly
- btaubUnited States
- crazymanarmyr3kapig
- D4mianWayne@pwnfuzz
- Daelyte
- drew-byteNEU
- ishan-surana
- kevieniceland
- killvxkUSSR
- kkonthewayPA Technology
- kkpokerTrash Bin
- lebr0nliNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
- ll11l1lIllIl1lllNothing to see here, move along.
- lucidBrotETH Zürich, most of the time
- maulvialfIndonesia
- MinghaoLin2000
- MrWebMD
- nightuhu
- nsunkadUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- oyenScrapperUniversity Malaya
- phannhat17
- pngdeity@itpartnersillinois
- reteps@PrairieLearn
- rivit98Poland
- rycbar77Wuhan University
- shah-nirmitAmazon Web Services
- Spamakin
- Squirre17AAUN
- sung-jin-woo
- vtgsxx
- WhiteHoodHackerUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign