
Search your api through types, with speed 🥽

Primary LanguageGo

Goggle 🥽

Search your api through types, with speed

Type-directed search engine like hoogle but for Go

Query syntax overview

Type = TypeName [ TypeArgs ] | TypeLit | "(" Type ")" .
TypeName = identifier | QualifiedIdent .
TypeArgs = "[" TypeList [ ", "] "]" .
TypeList = Type { "," Type } .
TypeLit = ArrayType | StructType | PointerType | FunctionType | InterfaceType | SliceType | MapType | ChannelType

ArrayType = "[" ArrayLength "]" ElementType .
ArrayLength = Expression .
ElementType = Type .

SliceType = "[" "]" ElementType .

FunctionType = "func" Signature .
Signature = Parameters [ Result ]
Result = Parameters | Type .
Parameters = "(" [ ParameterList [ "," ] ] ")" .
ParameterList = ParameterDecl { "," ParameterDecl } .
ParameterDecl = [ IdentifierList ] [ "... " ] Type .

Query = [ "func" ] [ identifier ] Signature .
// normal function definition
func length(s string) int

// omit function name
func (s string) int

// omit `func` keyword
(s string) int

// multiline parameters
(s string, flag int) int

// multiple return values
(s string) (int, error)

// wildcard
(_) bool

// generics
[T](s T) int


  • Generics
    • Constraints
  • Portable index file
  • Incremental search
  • Link to pkg.go.dev
  • Brief description
  • Query
    • Method
    • Multiple return
    • Parameter collaping
    • Spread syntax
  • Levenshtein distance
  • Syntax hightlighting for search result

*? _? ?? any? ? ...?

This is really awwwesome!! How can I help?

There are many ways to support and contribute to the ongoing maintenance and improvement of Goggle. Any support is greatly appreciated!

  • Spread the world. Share Goggle with your co-workers, students, and community so that they can find it useful as well!
  • Report bugs. If you encounter any unexpected behavior or runtime panics, please open an issue to report and document them.
  • Make your document cleaner. Although Goggle can find items without documentation, it doesn't have a power to generate intuitive identifiers and descriptive summaries. So it's a good idea to document you package thoroughly to enhance developer experience.
  • Suggest better idea. Currently, Goggle's approximate search doesn't support structural edit-distance, and there are still a lot of missing features. Your suggestions for more accurate and efficient implementations are always welcome.
  • Build creative tools on top of Goggle. Goggle currently supports web search and REPL, but the possibilities for its application are limitless. Ideas like a vscode extension, LSP autocompletion, etc., could significantly expand its ecosystem.