
👻 scamscan-frontend

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ETHSeoul 2022 Submission: Scamscan



  • Scamscan is a reputation platform using SBT with the quadratic burning mechanism. With Scamscan, you could track someone's reputation for interaction, which could prevent user's malicious actions.


  • Positive / Negative Reputation Points
  • Verifying tx log
  • Quadratic Burning

Fee Mechanism

  • We would charge 10 MATIC as a constant fee to prevent malicious distortion of reputation with a low fee. We could express the total fee as below.
  • p = reputation quadratic burning
  • c = constant fee = 10 MATIC
  • r = gas fee
  • R = total fee = p^2 + c + r

Give: SBT minting + signing (amount, comment) + sending

  1. Verify whether the opponent is give-able (SBT minting + signing)
  2. If eligible => send SBT + MATIC (or other tokens) to be burnt (by signing Metamask wallet)
  3. Check: Search by specific addresses then check SBT list and score sum
  4. MyPage: Check the list of received & sent SBT tokens (which requires additional signature)

Demonstration Video



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