《C++实战笔记》 Follow me to study modern C++.
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- Linux : Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, and others
- macOS(OS X) : may work but not be tested
- Bjarne Stroustrup's FAQ
- Bjarne Stroustrup's C++11 FAQ
- C++ Core Guidelines
- OpenResty Code Style Guide(zh-cn)
- Google Code Style Guide
- Boost
- tbb
- JSON for Modern C++
- MessagePack
- msgpack-c
- ProtoBuf
- protobuf-c
- gRPC
- Thrift
- libcurl
- cpr
- pybind11
- lua
- luajit
- luajit-openresty
- LuaBridge
- gperftools
- FlameGraph
- OpenResty XRay
- 透视HTTP协议
- http_study - http service for pratice and more
- boost guide - Sample code for Boost library Guide
- professional_boost - Professional boost development
- annotated_nginx - 注释nginx,学习研究源码
- ngx_cpp_dev - Nginx C++ development kit, with the power of C++11 and Boost Library
- ngx_ansic_dev - Nginx ANSI C Development
- openresty_dev - OpenResty/Lua Programming
- favorite-nginx - Selected favorite nginx modules and resources