
Webapp boilerplate with react, typescript, redux, redux-loop, firebase, poi.js, jest, cypress.io, husky and all you ever needed to start

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Boilerplate with Typescript, Redux, Redux-loop, Jest, Firebase, cypress.io and poi.js

A bare minimum react-poi-typescript boilerplate with example of unit test and acceptance test (e2e via cypress.io). It runns prettier on all changed typescript files in commit. Moreover it also runs tslint and unit and acceptance tests before it allows you to do git push.


to install dependencies

$ npm install


to run application with hot reloading

$ npm start


to run unit tests

$ npm run test:unit

to run acceptance tests (e2e)

$ npm run test:e2e

to run all tests

$ npm test

Recomended VS Code plugins