Selenium Test Framework
This project provides selenium test framework. It is written in Java and follows best practices as well as most recent
and top rated tools. It is designed for web test automation, to implement and run robust functional tests.
Since everything is set up, the tests can be added and run straight away.
Framework Features:
- follows page object pattern
- parallel test execution ready
- full control by annotations
- most popular browsers preconfigured
- downloading OS specific binaries automatically
- configurability by configuration properties file
- pretty and highly readable test result report
- easy for extension and customisation
The Project's Structure:
- the pl.sii.framework package placed in src\main\java contains framework specific implementation
- the pl.sii package placed in src\test\java contains automated sample test cases
- src\main\resources contains properties files
- pom.xml: maven file defines the following:
- artifact id as JavaPageObjectTemplate
- all the required dependencies with versions extracted to maven properties to reduce maintenance
- build plugins to compile java classes, run tests and generate report
Framework Extension
- to extend framework components for extra web elements add class implementation to pl.sii.framework.base.components package
- to provide additional browsers consider the RemoteDriverFactory class placed in pl.sii.framework.base.factory package
Configuration Description
- applicationAddress - base address of application under test, by default points to sample shop application hosted on SII servers.
- browserName - name of the browser to run tests on, already preconfigure values are: CHROME, FIREFOX
- driverType - the driver type to run tests, supported values are: LOCAL, REMOTE
- gridHubUrl - url address of grid hub, useful only when driverType set to REMOTE.
For REMOTE driver type run selenium grid hub first - more details at
Test Implementation
- new test's implementation is to be placed in the pl.sii package placed in src\test\java
- test class implementation needs to extend class
Run Automated Tests
To run all tests use simple maven command:
mvn clean test
To run tests for particular @tag use simple maven command:
mvn clean test -Dtag=<tag_name>
Generate Test Report
Allure framework is used to generate report from test results -
To serve test report on local machine make sure you have run tests using mvn clean test
command before, then use below command:
mvn allure:serve
In order to generate static html report from your test result just use following command.
mvn allure:report
Report will be generated in: target/site/allure-maven/index.html