
Common Functions useful to work/plot with Seurat objects

Primary LanguageR


Common Functions useful to work/plot with Seurat objects

How to use it

Just download the .R file, and load it at the beginning of your script with:


and start using the functions

Functions present

Proportion Plot

To create

Proportion Plot example


ProportionPlot(Seurat.Object, "var1", "va2")

"var1" and "var2" need to be in your meta.data of course


ProportionPlot(PBMC, "seurat_cluster", "Condition")

Violin Plot + Median

To create

VlnPlot and Median


VlnPlot.median(Seurat.Object, features, colour = "black", pt.size = 0, ncol = NULL, legend = TRUE)

colour = "black" Is the color of the median dot

pt.size = 0 size of the cell dots

ncol = NULL n of columns to use for multiple genes plot

legend = TRUE whether or not show a legend

Add souporcell clusters.tsv metadata to Seurat

Souporcell generates a clusters.tsv with the SNPs cluster for each sample.


Seurat.Object = Add.SNPs.HT(Seurat.Object,"Path/of/your/file/clusters.tsv")

Calculate and Add ADT (CITEseq) to Seurat

CITE-seq-Count tool map the ADT reads and generate a folder named "umi_count" with the data. You can also replace some ADT names with others


Seurat.Object = Add.ADT(Seurat.Object,"Path/of/your/file/umi_count/", replace.any=c("OLD_NAME"="NEW_NAME"))

Calculate and Add HTO (CITEseq) to Seurat (using cellhashR)

Use CITE-seq-Count tool to map the HTO reads and generate a folder named "umi_count" with the data. This function use cellhashR to deconvolute the hashtag information and add it to your seurat object


Seurat.Object = Add.HTO(Seurat.Object,"Path/of/your/file/umi_count/")

Seurat.Object <- Add.HTO(Seurat.Object, path, barcodeWhitelist, minCountPerCell = 5, methods = c("bff_cluster", "multiseq","dropletutils"), datatypeName = NULL)

Use SoupX to clean cellranger matrix from Ambient RNA contaminat

You need "filtered_feature_bc_matrix", "raw_feature_bc_matrix", and "analysis" folders to use SoupX. You use this instead of Read10X function.


clean.data = SoupX.clean(cellranger.folder="/my/cellranger/folder/")

Create a Seurat.object cleaned with SoupX, starting from a Seurat.object

Starting from a Seurat.object, it will clean it (using SoupX) and generates another Seurat.object.

You need "filtered_feature_bc_matrix", "raw_feature_bc_matrix" folders (not "analysis") from Cellranger.

Seurat object need to have "seurat_clusters", and need to be UNFILTERED!! (don't remove doublets, high MT cells, and so on).

Seurat.object.clean <- SoupX.on.Seurat(Seurat.object, cellranger.folder)

Add metadata to your seurat object

Starting from a seurat object and a metadata table,

this function creates a proper metadata table with cell barcodeID and add it to Seurat.object.

Of course table rownames MUST match Seurat.object Idents.

Seurat.object <- make.add.meta(Seurat.object, metadata)

Read BD Rhapsody folder

Starting from a BD Rhapsody mapping folder, this function read it and create a seurat object

At the moment it works using DBEC MolPerCell, to implement RSEC


Read.BD.Rhap(path, project.name="BD Rhapsody", remove.multiplets = TRUE, remove.undetermined=TRUE,  min.cells = 3, min.features = 20, show.plots=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)

path folder path

project.name="BD Rhapsody" Seurat object folder name

remove.multiplets = TRUE whether remove or not multiplets

remove.undetermined = TRUE whether remove or not undetermined

min.cells = 3 min number of cells to keep a feature

min.features = 20 min number of features to keep a cell

show.plots = TRUE whether show or not some readcounts plot

Read BD Rhapsody file

Starting from a BD Rhapsody MolPerCell folder, this function read it and create a seurat object

This function does NOT read the SampleTag file, so it's not able to associate each cell with a sample tag

Read.BD.Rhap.simple <- function(MolsPerCell.file, project.name="BD Rhapsody", min.cells = 3, min.features = 20, show.plots=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)

MolsPerCell.file file path

project.name="BD Rhapsody" Seurat object folder name

min.cells = 3 min number of cells to keep a feature

min.features = 20 min number of features to keep a cell

show.plots = TRUE whether show or not some readcounts plot

Plot Depth of sequencing

Starting from a seurat object, plot the depth of sequencing (splitted for a specific metadata column)


plot.depth.seq(Seurat.object, metadata.col)

Mark cells with low/high nFeature, nCount.high, mt genes...


Seurat.object <- Mark.cells(Seurat.object, nFeature.low = 250, nFeature.high = 5000, mt.high = 25, nCount.high = 18000)

Known issues, to improve:

this function works on "percent.mt", "nFeature_RNA" and "nCount_RNA" metadata columns...need to be more flexible, accept other names...