
TBX Academy FE framework

Primary LanguageSCSS

Academy FE boilerplate

This is a lean CSS (and maybe one day JS) framework to help get you going with your Picnic App.

See the next section for using this framework, or check out the examples here.

Using this framework in your project

  1. Add the following code to your <head>
  1. If you haven't already, follow Django's documentation to configure and serve static files (be sure to check which version of Django you're using and use the right documentation version)

  2. Copy the raw CSS code here and save it to a new file within your static directory named academy-fe.css

  3. Add a reference in your <head> linking to the CSS file

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'academy-fe.css' %}" />
  1. Create a new CSS file named main.css and save it to a new file within your static directory

  2. Add a reference in your <head> linking to the main.css file

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'main.css' %}" />

You can then use this file to add your own custom CSS

  1. Copy the raw JS code here and save it to a new file within your static directory named academy-fe.js

  2. Add a reference just above your closing </body> tag linking to the JS file

<script src="{% static 'academy-fe.js' %}"></script>

Got an improvement? Run it locally

Clone the repo, and in the root dir:

# Use correct node version
nvm use

# Install dependencies
npm i

# Start the Webpack build in watch mode, without live-reload.
npm run start

# Start the Webpack server build on port 3000 only with live-reload.
npm run start:reload

# Do a one-off Webpack development build.
npm run build

# Do a one-off Webpack production build.
npm run build:prod

Compiled files