Academy tooling

Lightweight webpack tooling for compiling SCSS and JS on the fly and generating development/production bundles.

This tooling requires node.js and npm. If you haven't already installed these dependencies previously, here's a guide on how to do so.

We strongly encourage you to use a version manager such as nvm to manage node versioning.

Add this tooling to your project

To get started, clone this repository into the root of your Picnic app.

Using the correct node version

This tooling requires node 20. If you're using nvm, at the commandline and from the root of your project run:

nvm use

Install dependencies

npm install

Running the tooling

Run the tooling in watch mode to compile front-end assets on the fly:

npm start

Compile a development build:

npm run build

Compile a minified production build:

npm run build:prod

Integrating with your existing front-end assets

Now that we've installed the tooling, we need to integrate our existing front-end code to make use of it.

Input and output directories

By default, the tooling compiles assets stored within ./static_src and outputs them inside ./static_compiled.

Compiled CSS is available at ./static_compiled/css/main.css and compiled JS at ./static_compiled/js/main.js.

Create new references in your base template to reflect both of these, for example:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href='[static_path]/static_compiled/css/main.css'>

You will likely need to update your STATICFILES_DIRS to support this change, e.g:

    BASE_DIR / "static_compiled",

Note: If you like, you can modify the entry and output paths in webpack.config.js to suit your project's architecture as necessary.

Updating your existing front-end assets to work with the tooling


In your Picnic app you likely already have multiple .css files.

We need to update these to use the .scss extension and move them into the new tooling structure.

For example, an existing file named my-component.css should now be:

  • Renamed to my-component.scss
  • Moved to ./static_src/sass/
  • Imported via main.scss (@import "my-component";)

You can then remove any references to old CSS files in your HTML.


You also likely have some JavaScript which we can also move from its current location.

Add any existing scripts to ./static_src/js/main.js, inside the DOMContentLoaded event listener. For improved organisation, you can create separate JS files for each component and import them in main.js.

You can then remove any inline scripts from their previous location.