Sentiment Analysis Project

This project is a sentiment analysis web service built with Django, MySQL, and OpenAI GPT-4o. It allows users to input text and receive real-time sentiment analysis results.

🌟 Demo

Check out the live demo:

📋 Prerequisites

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

🚀 Installation

🐳 Docker

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd sentiment-analysis
  2. Configure docker-compose.yml with correct ENV VARS. Look here

  3. Build the Docker containers:

    docker-compose build # or docker compose build
  4. Start the containers:

    docker-compose up # or docker compose up

    This will start the following services:

    • db: MySQL database container
    • web: Django web application container
    • migrate: Container to run database migrations (run and exit)
  5. Access the web application:

    Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:8000 to access the sentiment analysis web service.

🖥️ Non-Docker Setup

If you prefer to run the application without using Docker, follow these steps:


  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • MySQL Server
  • Pip (Python package installer)


  1. Set up the MySQL Database:

    • Install MySQL on your machine.
    • Create a new database and user for the application.
    • Grant all privileges on your database to the new user.
  2. Clone the repository and enter the directory:

    git clone
    cd sentiment-analysis
  3. Install Python dependencies:

    • Ensure pip is installed and then run:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Configure the application:

    • Copy the example environment configuration file and modify it with your settings:
    cp .env.example .env
    • Open the .env file and update it with your database credentials and other environment variables such as OPENAI_API_KEY and DJANGO_SECRET_KEY.
  5. Perform database migrations:

    python migrate
  6. Run the Django development server:

    python runserver # or pip install gunicorn and run :  gunicorn sentiment_analysis_project.wsgi:application --bind

    This will start the server on http://localhost:8000.

  7. Access the web application:

    • Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:8000 to access the sentiment analysis web service.

ℹ️ Additional Notes:

  • Ensure that your Python environment is correctly set up and that all dependencies listed in requirements.txt are installed without errors.
  • Make sure your MySQL service is running and accessible by the Django application.
  • Adjust the .env file as necessary to ensure all environment variables are correctly set for your development environment.

⚙️ Configuration

The project uses environment variables for configuration. You can modify the following variables in the docker-compose.yml file:

  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI API key for sentiment analysis. Make sure to replace it with your own API key.
  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY: Secret key for Django. Change this to a secure value in production.
  • DB_NAME: Name of the MySQL database.
  • DB_USER: MySQL database user.
  • DB_PASSWORD: MySQL database password.
  • DB_HOST: MySQL database host (set to db for Docker Compose setup).
  • DB_PORT: MySQL database port.
  • DEBUG: Django DEBUG flag, default: false.

📖 Usage

  1. Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:8000.
  2. Enter the text you want to analyze in the provided input field.
  3. Click the "Analyze Sentiment" button.
  4. The sentiment analysis result will be displayed on the page.

🏗️ Project Structure

The project has the following structure:

  • api/: Django app containing the API views, models, serializers, and exceptions.
  • sentiment_analysis_project/: Django project configuration files.
  • templates/: HTML templates directory.
  • utils/: Useful utilities
  • Dockerfile: Dockerfile for building the web application container.
  • docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose configuration file.
  • Django management script.
  • requirements.txt: Python dependencies file.

📦 Dependencies

The project uses the following main dependencies:

  • Django: Web framework for building the sentiment analysis web service.
  • Django REST Framework: Toolkit for building RESTful APIs in Django.
  • MySQL: Database for storing sentiment analysis results.
  • OpenAI GPT-4o: API for performing sentiment analysis.
  • Gunicorn: WSGI HTTP server for running the Django application.

For a complete list of dependencies, refer to the requirements.txt file.

☁️ AWS Deployment

For small projects, using other hosting services like Hetzner might be more cost-effective. But if choosing AWS, here are some recommended services:

  • Amazon EKS: Use EKS for managing Kubernetes containers. It's a scalable and secure environment.
  • Amazon ECR: Store Docker images in a fully managed registry using ECR.
  • Amazon RDS: Use RDS for databases. It makes setting up and scaling databases easier.
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk: Deploy apps quickly on Beanstalk without having to manage lots of hosting stuff manually.
  • Amazon EC2: Run the app on EC2 virtual servers with customizable configurations.

🚀 Scaling & Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB): Use ELB with Auto Scaling Groups to efficiently distribute traffic across multiple servers like EC2 instances. It can automatically scale resources based on demand.