
Scripts for cleaning up (large) Maven projects

Primary LanguageRuby

Scripts for removing extra dependencies and dependency managements from (large) Maven projects.

To remove all dependencies that are not direcly needed from Maven project /my_project/pom.xml and all it's sub modules run:

	./remove-extra-dependencies.rb /my_project/pom.xml 'mvn clean install -N'

The command 'mvn clean install -N' will be used to determine if it was OK to remove a dependency or not.

To remove the dependency management entries that are not needed in project /my_project/pom.xml run:

	./remove-extra-dependency_management.rb /my_project/pom.xml

More on this: http://samulisiivonen.blogspot.com/2012/01/cleanin-up-maven-dependencies.html