RIA Handbook

This is a knowledge base for RIA. Others may feel free to steal what you find useful.

Table of contents

Planned contents

  • Docker
  • Cloud
  • Rules and regulations (UU, GDPR, ethics)
  • Browser vs server
  • Analyzing thirdparty libraries

Contribution guidelines

  1. Contribute via pull requests.
  2. This is public information. Do not include passwords and such.
  3. Try to answer WHY this is important knowledge.

Writing guidelines

Be aware of this when writing for the RIA Handbook.

Tone and content

  • Be conversational and friendly without being frivolous.
  • Don't pre-announce anything in documentation.
  • Use descriptive link text.
  • Write accessibly.
  • Write for a global audience.

Language and grammar

Use second person: "you" rather than "we."

  • Use active voice; make clear who's performing the action.
  • Use standard American spelling and punctuation.
  • Put conditional clauses before instructions, not after.
  • For usage and spelling of specific words, see the word list.

Formatting, punctuation, and organization

Use sentence case for document titles and section headings.

  • Use numbered lists for sequences.
  • Use bulleted lists for most other lists.
  • Use description lists for pairs of related pieces of data.
  • Use serial commas.
  • Put code-related text in code font.
  • Put UI elements in bold.
  • Use unambiguous date formatting.


  • Use SVG files or crushed PNG images.
  • Provide alt text.
  • Provide high-resolution images when practical.