
Add a usage example to your Readme

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Add a usage example to a README with remark.



npm install remark-usage


This section is rendered by this module from example.js.


var fs = require('fs');
var remark = require('remark');
var usage = require('remark-usage'); // This is changed from `./index.js` to `remark-usage`

Read and parse readme.md:

var readme = fs.readFileSync('readme.md', 'utf-8');
var ast = remark().use(usage).parse(readme);

Log something with a language flag:

## Installation

Or without language:


Log something which is never captured:

function neverCalled() {
  console.log('javascript', 'alert("test")');

Log something which isn’t captured because it’s not a string.



remark.use(usage[, options])

Adds example.js to the Usage section in a readme.md.

Removes the current content between the heading containing the text “usage”, and the next heading of the same (or higher) depth, and replaces it with the example.

The example is run as JavaScript. Line comments are parsed as Markdown. Calls to console.log() are exposed as code blocks, containing the logged values (optionally with a language flag).

It’s easiest to check out and compare example.js with the above Usage section.

  • Operate this from an npm package, or provide a cwd
  • Make sure no side effects occur when running example.js
  • Don’t do weird things. This is mostly regexes

string? — Path to a directory containing a node module. Used to infer name, main, and example.


string? — Name of the module, inferred from package.jsons name property. Used to rewrite require('./index.js') to require('some-name').


string? — Path to the main script. Resolved from package.jsons main property (or index.js). Used to rewrite require('./index.js') to require('some-name').


string? — Path to the example script. remark-usage checks for docs/example.js, doc/example.js, examples/index.js, example/index.js, and example.js.


string?, default: 'usage' — Heading to look for, wrapped in new RegExp('^(' + value + ')$', 'i');.


MIT © Titus Wormer