
OpenMessaging homepage

Primary LanguageJavaScript


~ $ gem install jekyll
~ $ jekyll serve
  # => Now browse to http://localhost:4000

How to Publish

Just push your change to source branch, and travis will do the rest things.

HTML Structure

This template is based on foundation framework, to understand what the "row" and "column" classes mean, please refer to the foundation documentation.


  HTML files:

    1. blog.html -> the blog layout file
    2. default.html -> the default layout file
    3. post.html -> blog post layout file

    1. index.html -> the blog index page


CSS Structure

The CSS files are based on foundation framework.


  CSS files:
  1. fontello.css -> fontello icon font
  2. foundation.scss -> foundation framework
  3. style.css -> main style
  4. font-awesome.css -> font awesome icon font


Javascript Structure


  Javascript files:

  1. app.js -> main javascript file
  2. foundation.js -> foundation framework
  3. jquery.appear.js -> jquery plugin
  4. jquery.countTo.js -> jquery plugin
  5. imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js
  6. jquery.easing.1.3.js
  7. jquery.sequence-min.js
  8. jquery.validate.js
  9. json2.js
  10. masonry.pkgd.js
  11. slick.min.js
  12. jquery-2.1.0.js
  13. jquery.url.js
  14. modernizr.foundation.js
  15. terrific-1.1.1.js
  16. jquery.cookie.js
