
pytorch 1.5.0+
CUDA 11.3/11.6
python 3.6/3.7/3.8
ubuntu 18.04/20.04
g++ 7.5.0 gcc 7.5.0 cmake 3.23.2 (ubuntu 18.04)
g++ 9.4.0 gcc 9.4.0 cmake 3.23.0 (ubuntu 20.04)
  • You need to make sure PyTorch is installed correctly with the corresponding NVCC version.
nvcc --version
>>> import torch
>>> torch.version.cuda
  • Install:
git clone https://github.com/sijieaaa/pointnet2_torch_cuda11.git
cd pointnet2_torch_cuda11
python setup.py install
  • Example (FPS):
import torch
import numpy as np
import pointnet2_utils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def test_furthest_point_sampling():
    b = 10
    c = 2
    N = 1000
    n = 10
    pool = torch.randn(b, N, c, requires_grad=True).float().cuda()
    indices = pointnet2_utils.furthest_point_sample(pool, n).long()
    indices = indices.detach().cpu() # [b,n]
    pool = pool.detach().cpu() # [b,c,m]
    sampled = torch.gather(pool, 1, indices.unsqueeze(-1).expand(b, n, c))
    sampled = sampled.numpy()
    pool = pool.numpy()
    plt.plot(pool[1,:,0], pool[1,:,1], 'b.')
    plt.plot(sampled[1,:,0], sampled[1,:,1], 'r.')
if __name__=='__main__':