
React responsive component for building content galleries, content rotators and any React carousels

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Alice Carousel

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React Alice Carousel is a React component for building content galleries, content rotators and any React carousels.

demo gif

demo gif

Features of react-alice-carousel

  • Infinite loop
  • FadeOut animation
  • AutoPlay mode
  • Mobile friendly
  • Responsive design
  • Stage padding
  • Swipe to slide
  • Start index
  • Slide to index
  • RTL
  • Keyboard navigation
  • Touch and Drag support
  • Custom rendered slides
  • Custom animation duration
  • Multiple items in the slide
  • Show / hide anything (indicators, arrows, slides indexes)
  • TypeScript type definitions

How to use

npm install react-alice-carousel --save-dev

Style import

@import "react-alice-carousel/lib/scss/alice-carousel.scss";
@import "react-alice-carousel/lib/alice-carousel.css";
# Webpack
import "react-alice-carousel/lib/alice-carousel.css";

Quick start

import React from 'react';
import AliceCarousel from 'react-alice-carousel';
import "react-alice-carousel/lib/alice-carousel.css";

const Gallery = () => {
  const handleOnDragStart = e => e.preventDefault()
  return (
    <AliceCarousel mouseDragEnabled >
      <img src="/img1" onDragStart={handleOnDragStart} className="yours-custom-class" />
      <img src="/img2" onDragStart={handleOnDragStart} className="yours-custom-class" />
      <img src="/img3" onDragStart={handleOnDragStart} className="yours-custom-class" />
      <img src="/img4" onDragStart={handleOnDragStart} className="yours-custom-class" />
      <img src="/img5" onDragStart={handleOnDragStart} className="yours-custom-class" />

Advanced configuration


  • items : Array, default [] - gallery items, preferable to use this property instead of children

  • duration : Number, default 250 - Duration of slides transition (milliseconds)

  • responsive : Object, default {} - Number of items in the slide

          0: {
              items: 1
          1024: {
              items: 3
  • stagePadding : Object, default {} - Padding left and right on the stage

          paddingLeft: 0,     // in pixels
          paddingRight: 0
  • buttonsDisabled : Boolean, false - Disable buttons control

  • dotsDisabled : Boolean, false - Disable dots navigation

  • startIndex : Number, 0 - The starting index of the carousel

  • slideToIndex : Number, 0 - Sets the carousel at the specified position

  • swipeDisabled : Boolean, default false - Disable swipe handlers

  • mouseDragEnabled : Boolean, default false - Enable mouse drag animation

    To Avoid unexpected behavior you should handle drag event independently, something like in an example

  • infinite : Boolean, default true - Disable infinite mode

  • fadeOutAnimation : Boolean, false - Enable fadeout animation. Fired when 1 item is in the slide

  • keysControlDisabled : Boolean, default false - Disable keys controls (left, right, space)

  • playButtonEnabled : Boolean, default false - Disable play/pause button

  • autoPlay : Boolean, default false - Set auto play mode

  • autoPlayInterval : Number, default 250 - Interval of auto play animation (milliseconds). If specified, a larger value will be taken from comparing this property and the duration one

  • autoPlayDirection : String, default ltr - To run auto play in the left direction specify rtl value

  • disableAutoPlayOnAction : Boolean, default false - If this property is identified as true auto play animation will be stopped after clicking user on any gallery button

  • stopAutoPlayOnHover : Boolean, default true - If this property is identified as false auto play animation won't stopped on hover

  • showSlideInfo : Boolean, default false - Show slide info

  • preventEventOnTouchMove : Boolean, default false - Prevent the browser's touchmove event when carousel is swiping

  • onSlideChange : Function - Fired when the event object is changing / returns event object

  • onSlideChanged : Function - Fired when the event object was changed / returns event object

  • onInitialized : Function - Fired when the gallery was initialized / returns event object

  • onResized : Function - Fired when the gallery was resized / returns event object

    All functions return the next object

          item: index,   // index of the current item`s position
          slide: index   // index of the current slide`s position
          itemsInSlide: number   // number of elements in the slide


import React from 'react'
import AliceCarousel from 'react-alice-carousel'
import "react-alice-carousel/lib/alice-carousel.css"

class Gallery extends React.Component {
  state = {
    galleryItems: [1, 2, 3].map((i) => (<h2 key={i}>{i}</h2>)),

  responsive = {
    0: { items: 1 },
    1024: { items: 2 },

  onSlideChange(e) {
    console.debug('Item`s position during a change: ', e.item)
    console.debug('Slide`s position during a change: ', e.slide)

  onSlideChanged(e) {
    console.debug('Item`s position after changes: ', e.item)
    console.debug('Slide`s position after changes: ', e.slide)

  render() {
    return (

Custom Prev / Next buttons, dots / thumbs navigation:

import React from 'react'
import AliceCarousel from 'react-alice-carousel'
import "react-alice-carousel/lib/alice-carousel.css"

class Gallery extends React.Component {  
  items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

  state = {
    galleryItems: this.items.map((i) => (<h2 key={i}>{i}</h2>))

  thumbItem = (item, i) => (
    <span key={item} onClick={() => this.Carousel._onDotClick(i)}>* </span>

  render() {
    return (
          ref={(el) => (this.Carousel = el)}

        <button onClick={() => this.Carousel._slidePrev()}>Prev button</button>
        <button onClick={() => this.Carousel._slideNext()}>Next button</button>
import React from 'react'
import AliceCarousel from 'react-alice-carousel'
import "react-alice-carousel/lib/alice-carousel.css"

class Gallery extends React.Component {
  items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

  state = {
    currentIndex: 0,
    responsive: { 1024: { items: 3 } },
    galleryItems: this.galleryItems(),

  slideTo = (i) => this.setState({ currentIndex: i })

  onSlideChanged = (e) => this.setState({ currentIndex: e.item })

  slideNext = () => this.setState({ currentIndex: this.state.currentIndex + 1 })

  slidePrev = () => this.setState({ currentIndex: this.state.currentIndex - 1 })

  thumbItem = (item, i) => <span onClick={() => this.slideTo(i)}>* </span>

  galleryItems() {
    return this.items.map((i) => <h2 key={i}> {i}</h2>)

  render() {
    const { galleryItems, responsive, currentIndex } = this.state
    return (

        <button onClick={() => this.slidePrev()}>Prev button</button>
        <button onClick={() => this.slideNext()}>Next button</button>
Example for slidePrev/slideNext page
import React from 'react'
import AliceCarousel from 'react-alice-carousel'
import 'react-alice-carousel/lib/alice-carousel.css'

class Gallery extends React.Component {
  state = {
    currentIndex: 0,
    itemsInSlide: 1,
    responsive: { 0: { items: 3 }},
    galleryItems: this.galleryItems(),

  galleryItems() {
    return (
      Array(7).fill().map((item, i) => <h2 className="item">{i + 1}</h2>)

  slidePrevPage = () => {
    const currentIndex = this.state.currentIndex - this.state.itemsInSlide
    this.setState({ currentIndex })

  slideNextPage = () => {
    const { itemsInSlide, galleryItems: { length }} = this.state
    let currentIndex = this.state.currentIndex + itemsInSlide
    if (currentIndex > length) currentIndex = length

    this.setState({ currentIndex })

  handleOnSlideChange = (event) => {
    const { itemsInSlide, item } = event
    this.setState({ itemsInSlide, currentIndex: item })

  render() {
    const { currentIndex, galleryItems, responsive } = this.state

    return (
        <button onClick={this.slidePrevPage}>Prev Page</button>
        <button onClick={this.slideNextPage}>Next Page</button>

Build the project locally


git clone https://github.com/maxmarinich/react-alice-carousel
cd react-alice-carousel


npm i
npm start


npm test
