
The backend server that hosts all the API logic for the Vachan Engine.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

API Server Set up Documentation - Python Flask

Reference online resource


  • Ubuntu Server 18.04/16.04
  • DNS

Server Initial Set up

Install primary python packages and nginx

Run commands

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev nginx
  • sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
  • sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Postgres Database set Up

Install Postgress SQL:

  • Run Command sudo apt-get install postgresql

Create Postgres user and password:

  • Run command sudo su postgres. Switches to postgres user
  • Run command psql in postgres user shell
  • Run command CREATE USER <username> WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD '<password>'. Enter user username and password fot the DB. For ex: CREATE USER agmt WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'pass&14'

Create Database:

  • Open New Terminal and run command createdb <db_name>

Set Environment variables: (Command -> gedit .bashrc from home directory)

  • Paste follwing with the credentials to the bashrc file.
    export AGMT_SENDINBLUE_KEY="<send_in_blue_key>"
    export AGMT_HS256_SECRET="<jwt_token_key>"
    export AGMT_POSTGRES_HOST="localhost"
    export AGMT_POSTGRES_PORT="5432"
    export AGMT_POSTGRES_USER="<db_user>"
    export AGMT_POSTGRES_PASSWORD="<db_password>"
    export AGMT_POSTGRES_DATABASE="<db_name>"

Python Virtual Environment

Install Virtual Environment

  • Run command sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Create Virtual Environment

  • Run Command virtualenv myprojectenv. You can enter your custom name instead of myprojectenv.

Activate Virtual Environment

  • Run Command source myprojectenv/bin/activate. Activate the virtual environment before installing dependencies.

Set Up your Flask Application

Clone Project and Install dependencies

  • Clone project repo to server
  • Navigate to project directory containing the requirements.txt file.
  • Install Python dependencies by running command pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Create Initial DB tables

  • Navigate to project directory containing the db.sql file. (Inside agmt folder)
  • Run Command psql -d <db_name> -f ./db.sql

Test Flask App

  • Run Command gunicorn main:app inside the project folder containing the main.py file.
  • If the gunicorn server has started successfully, close and set up Nginx and Gunicorn WSGI.

Set up and enable the configuration files for Flask API server

  • Assuming the Server user Name is amt, python virtual environment name is venv3, the project folder name is vachan-api and the main.py file is in vachan-api/agmt/ folder then the config files will be like:
  • Save config files in project directory named vachanconfig

Set up Gunicorn

Gunicorn config file

  • Copy and edit the files according to the project credentials and directories and save file as gunicorn.service. You could use your custom name for the file.
    Description=gunicorn daemon
    ExecStart=/home/amt/venv3/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind unix:/home/amt/vachan-api/agmt/agmt.sock   main:app

Link files in systemd folder

  • Run Command to create sym link of the gunicorn.service file in systemd folder
    • sudo ln -s /home/amt/vachan-api/vachnaconfig/gunicorn.service /etc/systemd/system/

Start Gunicorn service

  • Run the commands
    • sudo systemctl start gunicorn.service
    • sudo systemctl enable gunicorn.service

Set up Nginx config file

Nginx file

  • Copy and edit the files according to the project credentials and directories and save file as nginx.conf. You could use your custom name for the file.

  • For enabling ssl refer online documentation.

    server {
        listen 80;
        server_name <server_domain_name>;
       location / {
            include proxy_params;
            proxy_pass http://unix:/home/amt/vachan-api/agmt/agmt.sock;

Link files to sites-enabled

  • nginx.conf file has to be linked first to sites-available and from sites-available to sites-enabled.
  • Run the commands
    • sudo ln -s /home/amt/vachan-api/vachnaconfig/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/
    • sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
  • Run command sudo nginx -t to check for syntax errors in the nginx.conf file.

Start Nginx process with our latest config

  • Run Command sudo systemctl restart nginx