
Course Repository for Data Analysis using R- Add-on course


Course Repository for add-on programme at VJCET, Kannur


Day 3 is devoted to advanced data analytics in R programming. The main focus is on how to practically analyze likert-scaled data collected through online forms like Goggle Form or Microsoft Form. On successful completion of this session, the participant will be able to:

  1. analyze the Likert-scaled data using R
  2. create a report in many format using yaml options in R Studio
  3. create an analysis web page in Github
  4. create a publication-ready document using rticle package


Data analytics of Fruit preference Data Link to the markdown file: https://github.com/sijuswamy/Data-Analytics-using-R/blob/main/Analysis%20of%20fruit%20preference%20data.Rmd

Task 1: Complete the analysis by running the r codes chunk by chunk and prepare an html file by knitting the .Rmd file.


Report automation:

Task 2: Generate a complete report of the analysis in .pdf format.


Parameterized report generation

Day 4 (Online Mode)

Experimenting with Geospatial Data using R

Link to the source file for Day 4 session:

Geospatial Analysis resource

Reading Geospatial Data

Visualizing Geospatial Data

Preparation of web pages using bookdown package

Assignment: Create web pages of all the Rmd files available in the course repositories.

Task: Visit the site in reference 2, and create a new markdown file with name introduction to GIS using R.md in your GitHub repository.

Extra reading resourses:

1.Language Technology and Data Analysis Laboratory

2.R4WRDS Introductory Course

Day 5 (Online mode)

Documentation & Report Generation

Last day is devoted for capstone projects.

CProject-1 Title: A business model possibility analysis based on customer feedback


The participants are advised to transform the Fruit data analysis in to a scientific journal paper with elsevier style. The article should have all the requirements as per the journal policies.

CProject-2 Title: Automation of Course Attainment Target fixation of First Year accademics using R


The participants are advised to transform the parameterized report generation task in to a process automation work, which will create Branch specific web pages with proper tocs and can be directly connected to a campus website.

Day-2 - Data processing

  • R libraries for data analytics
  • Basic descriptive statistics
  • visualization tools
  • Probability distributions
  • Inferential statistics

Practical Example : Working with Survey data in R- Case study

Please fill up the form: https://forms.gle/QkGdFvLsWbqLh14C7

Link to the source file for fruit data analysis: https://github.com/sijuswamy/Data-Analytics-using-R/blob/main/Analysis%20of%20fruit%20preference%20data.Rmd

Address of datafile- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sijuswamy/Data-Analytics-using-R/main/Fruit_data.csv

Day-1: Introduction to R programming

  • Introduction of R
  • Installation
  • R in cloud
  • Basics of R programming


Link to external resources:

R for Data sciences

R programming tutorial