- Examples
- tinygo-zoo : some tested for microbit
- pico-led : tested
- 2021/11/18 CGo improvements in TinyGo
- 2021/11/18 0.21.0 Released
- support ESP32-C3, RP2040, M5Stack Core2
- 2021/09/30 Go on hardware: TinyGo in the wild
- 2021/04/28 Getting started with Arduino and TinyGo: MBP M1 edition
- 2021/01/29 Controlling a Raspberry Pi Pico remotely using PySerial
- 2021/00/00 ---
- 2020/09/24 Garbage collection in TinyGo
- 2020/09/22 ESP32 and ESP8266 support in TinyGo
- 2019/09/12 Let’s Go tiny with tinyGo
- 2019/03/01 TinyGo로 시작하는 내장 프로그래밍
- 2019/02/25 Goroutines in TinyGo
- 2018/12/08 Interfaces in TinyGo
- 191 Open Source Microcontroller Software Projects
- BeaconZone Blog: ESP32
- 2021 Optimize Go WebAssembly binary size with TinyGo
- 2019 TinyGo: Go / Golang for Small Places (and Devices) by Ron Evans
- tinygo-org/drivers - TinyGo drivers for sensors, displays, and other devices that use I2C, SPI, GPIO, ADC, and UART interfaces.
- tinygo-org/bluetooth - Cross-platform Bluetooth API for Go and TinyGo
- tinygo-org/gobadge
- tinygo-org/tinyhci - TinyGo Hardware Continuous Integration (HCI) system
- tinygo-org/tinyfont - Text library for TinyGo displays
- jypelle/xship
- mramshaw/TinyGo - Experimenting with TinyGo
- justinclift/tinygo-wasm-basic-triangle - Use TinyGo to create the basic WebGL triangle in Wasm. About 9.5kB compressed
- dImrich/tinygo-wasmserve - An HTTP server for testing TinyGo WebAssemblies
- cashoefman/TinyGo-On-ESP32
- aykevl/ws2812.go
- cashoefman/TinyGo-On-ESP32
- wasm3/embedded-wasm-apps - Run statically-compiled WebAssembly apps on any embedded platform
- justinclift/tinygo-wasm-rotating-cube
- sago35/tinygo-workshop
- wapc/tinygo-msgpack - MessagePack module for TinyGo
- wapc/wapc-guest-tinygo - SDK for creating waPC WebAssembly Guest Modules in TinyGo
- blynkkk/boards - List of boards supported by Blynk platform
brew install platfoemio
brew tap tinygo-org/tools
brew install tinygo
pio run -e esp32 -t upload
pio device monitor